Verbal Reasoning Direction Sense Test Questions and Answers

Vikram Singh3 years ago 58.5K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
direction sense test
Q :  

Ramesh is richer than Satish but Jaya is less wealthy than Ramesh. Ram is less rich than Jaya but richer than Satish but he is not as rich as Ramesh. Ramesh is less wealthy than Naveen. Who is the richest of them?

(A) Ramesh

(B) Satish

(C) Navin

(D) Jaya

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

Ram walks 2 km to the East, then he turns to South and Walks 6 km. He again turns to East and walks 2 km. Then he turns to North and walks 12 km. How far is he from the starting point?

(A) 7 km

(B) 7.1 km

(C) 7.2 km

(D) 7.3 km

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

A man drives his car 50 km towards an eastward direction. He turned right went for 30km, then he turned west and drive for 10 km. How far is he from the starting point?

(A) 50 km

(B) 60 km

(C) 100 km

(D) 20 km

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

Rahul walks in a shopping complex 150 m East, then he turn North and walks 180 m, then she turns west and walks 70 m, then he turns to her left and walks 180 m. Where is she now with reference to his starting position?

(A) 80 m West

(B) 220 m East

(C) 80 m East

(D) 220 m West

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

A man starts walking from a point and walks 12 kms towards north. He turns 90left walks a distance and stopped. If the distance between initial point and final positions is 13 kms, how much distance he travelled after turning from the North?

(A) 1 km

(B) 5 km

(C) 7 km

(D) 2 km

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

A boat moves from a jetty towards the East. After sailing from 9 nautical miles, she turns towards the right and covers another 12 nautical miles. If she wants to go back to the jetty what is the shortest distance now from her present position?

(A) 21 nautical

(B) 20 nautical

(C) 18 nautical

(D) 15 nautical

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

A boy was cycling northward, then he turned left and rode 3 km. He again turned left and rode 13 km after which he found himself 5 km South-West of the starting point. How far did he ride northward, initially?

(A) 4 km

(B) 5 km

(C) 8 km

(D) 9 km

(E) cannot be determined

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

Murali takes his dog for a walk. He turns left at a cross road and faces South. Towards which direction was he walking before turning left?

(A) East

(B) North

(C) West

(D) South

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

Richa starts walking from her home and walks 50 meters towards west and then turn left and walks 90 m. Then she again turns left and walks 30 meters. After that she again turns left and goes 120 meters. She finally turns right and walks 20 meters and reaches her final destination. How far is she from her home now and in which direction with reference to her home?

(A) 40 m , North East

(B) 30 m, South

(C) 30 m, North

(D) 40 m, North West

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

Ramesh goes 30 km towards East from his house, after that he turns 10 km to his right and then he goes 50 km towards North. How far is Ramesh from his house?

(A) 30 km

(B) 50 km

(C) 25 km

(D) 35 km

Correct Answer : B

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Vikram Singh

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