Verification of Truth of the Statement Questions for Competitive Exams

Questions related Verification of Truth of the Statement in the reasoning section are mostly asked in competitive exams. Also, the verification questions are easy to solve in less time. Here are the questions related verification of truth of the statement for those students who are preparing for competitive exams. Who are finding verification of truth of the statement questions, can easily start their preparation with the below questions and can improve their performance.
Candidates should solve useful Statement and Argument questions here for exams. You can read also Statement and Conclusion questions with answers.
Questions related Verification of Truth of the Statement
Q.1 Which of the following an animal always has?
(c) Mind
(d) Heart
(e) Life
Ans . E
Q.2. A race always has
Ans . C
Q.3. Which of the following a ‘Drama’ must have?
Ans . B
Q.4. A book always has
Ans . B
Q.5. A mirror always
(e)Reveals the truth
Ans . A
Q.6. A factory always has
Ans . C
Q.7. A clock always has
Ans . D
Q.8. A car always has
Ans . E
9.A river always has
Ans . D
10.A tree always have which of the following?
Ans . D