Very Simple GK Questions and Answers

GK Questions
Q.9 The term which denotes that each side has made equal point at game point, in Tennis, is referred to as
(A) baseline
(B) deuce
(C) fault
(D) grand slam
Ans . B
Q.10 The telescope is used for viewing
(A) distant objects
(B) near objects
(C) small objects
(D) living cells
Ans . A
Q.11 The transport fleet of Air Force consists of
(A) IL-765
(B) Boeing-731
(C) AN-352
(D) All of the above
Ans . D
Q.12 The term butterfly is associated with
(A) kabaddi
(B) swimming
(C) boxing
(D) wrestling
Ans . B
Q.13 Venturi tube is used for
(A) measuring the intensity of earthquakes
(B) measuring specific gravity
(C) measuring density
(D) measuring the flow of a fluid
Ans . D
Q.14 Uttar Pradesh is surrounded by ___ in north
(A) Nepal
(B) Uttrakhand
(C) Haryana and Delhi
(D) Rajasthan
Ans . B
Q.15 The theory of utilitarianism was expounded by
(A) Jeremy Bentham (1748-1836)
(B) James Mill(1773-1839)
(C) Henry Sidgwick (1838-1900)
(D) All of the above
Ans . D
Q.16 The velocity of sound in air (under normal condition) is
(A) 30 m/sec
(B) 320 m/sec
(C) 343 m/sec
(D) 3,320 m/sec
Ans . C
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