World History GK Questions

World History GK questions are asked in the question paper to test the essential knowledge related to world history of the candidate in various competitive exams. World History GK questions usually include world related incident, discovery, war, revolution, dynasty, civilization etc. World History GK Questions and Answers for all competitive exams are provided here.
These World History GK Questions are important and selective, which are likely to appear in the upcoming SSC, UPSC, RPSC competitive exams. Candidates should practice General Knowledge with World History Questions and Answers.
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World History GK Questions
Q : In which year, Alexander the Great become the king of Macedonia
(A) 336 BC
(B) 323 BC
(C) 350 BC
(D) 200 BC
Correct Answer : A
Explanation :
Alexander the Great became the king of Macedonia in 336 BC after the assassination of his father, King Philip II of Macedon. Following his accession to the throne, Alexander went on to become one of history's most successful military commanders, leading his armies to conquer vast territories and create one of the largest empires in the ancient world. His reign had a significant impact on the course of history and left a lasting legacy.
On which island of France, Napoleon was born
(A) Saint Helena
(B) Corsica
(C) Elba
(D) Oleron
Correct Answer : B
In which year America got independence
(A) 1760
(B) 1776
(C) 1780
(D) 1782
Correct Answer : B
Who was the king during the French revolution
(A) Napoleon
(B) Louis XV
(C) Louis XVI
(D) Charles IX
Correct Answer : C
Queen Elizabeth I of England belongs to which dynasty
(A) Stuart
(B) York
(C) Tudor
(D) Normandy
Correct Answer : C
Which is the famous treaty between Russia and Napoleon in 41.1807 AD, due to which Napoleon reached the peak of his height?
(A) Treaty of Campophoremia
(B) Treaty of Pressburg
(C) Treaty of Tilsit
(D) Treaty of Luneville
Correct Answer : C
Explanation :
The famous treaty between Russia and Napoleon in 1807, which contributed to Napoleon reaching the peak of his height, was the "Treaty of Tilsit." Therefore, the correct answer is:
(C) Treaty of Tilsit