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Basic Science Quiz for Competitive Exams

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Basic Science Quiz for Competitive ExamsBasic Science Quiz for Competitive Exams
Q :  

Which of the following was the first B vitamin discovered in 1897?

(A) Folate 

(B) Biotin 

(C) Riboflavin 

(D) Thiamine

Correct Answer : D
Explanation :

1. The first vitamin discovered in 1897 was thiamine, also known as vitamin B1.

2. Thiamine was discovered by Dutch physician Christiaan Eijkman.

3. Vitamin B1 helps body cells convert carbohydrates into energy and maintain proper functioning of the heart, muscles and digestive system.

Q :  

What does Ichthyology deal with?

(A) Study of reptiles and amphibians

(B) Study of fish

(C) Study of birds

(D) Study of insects

Correct Answer : B
Explanation :

1. Ichthyology is related to the study of fishes. It is a branch of zoology that studies the classification, morphology, physiology, behaviour, ecology, and evolution of fishes.

2. People working in the field of ichthyology are called ichthyologists.

Q :  

How many colours does sunlight consist of?

(A) 3

(B) 2

(C) 7

(D) 5

Correct Answer : C
Explanation :

1. Sunlight has seven colors.

2. Seven colours – violet, indigo, blue, green, orange, yellow and red.

3. Violet has the shortest wavelength, while red has the longest wavelength.

4. The seven colours contained in sunlight can often be seen in rainbows.

5. Rainbows are formed when sunlight passes through raindrops.

Q :  

Which of the following is a rabi crop?

(A) Paddy

(B) Wheat

(C) Tide

(D) Bajra

Correct Answer : B
Explanation :

Rabi season crops – Rabi crops are generally sown in the months of October and November and harvested from April to May.

Major crops of Rabi season – wheat, barley, gram, mustard, peas, berseem, rizka, green fodder, lentils, potato, rye, tobacco, lahi, oats, linseed and sunflower etc. Rabi season crops require low temperature at the time of sowing, hence they are sown in winter season. There should be a dry and warm environment for them to ripen.

Q :  

Write the name, which of the following is not a rabi crop?

(A) Groundnut

(B) Wheat

(C) Barley

(D) Masoor

Correct Answer : A
Explanation :

Rabi season crops – Rabi crops are generally sown in the months of October and November and harvested from April to May.

Major crops of Rabi season – wheat, barley, gram, mustard, peas, berseem, rizka, green fodder, lentils, potato, rye, tobacco, lahi, oats, linseed and sunflower etc. Rabi season crops require low temperature at the time of sowing, hence they are sown in winter season. There should be a dry and warm environment for them to ripen.

Q :  

When is the Rabi crop sown?

(A) March - April

(B) November-December

(C) June -July

(D) October-November

Correct Answer : D
Explanation :

Rabi season crops – Rabi crops are generally sown in the months of October and November and harvested from April to May.

Major crops of Rabi season – wheat, barley, gram, mustard, peas, berseem, rizka, green fodder, lentils, potato, rye, tobacco, lahi, oats, linseed and sunflower etc. Rabi season crops require low temperature at the time of sowing, hence they are sown in winter season. There should be a dry and warm environment for them to ripen.

Q :  

Which crop is a Kharif crop?

(A) Millet

(B) Oat

(C) Flaxseed

(D) Mustard

Correct Answer : A
Explanation :

Kharif crops – The crops sown in June-July in the Indian subcontinent are called Kharif crops. These crops are harvested in October and November. These require high temperature and humidity at the time of sowing and dry environment at the time of ripening.

Main Kharif crops – Cotton, groundnut, paddy, millet, maize, sweet potato, urad, moong, moth cowpea (Chanwala), jowar, arhar, dhaincha, sugarcane, soybean, okra, sesame, guar, jute, flax etc.

Q :  

Write the name, which of the following is a Kharif crop?

(A) Barley

(B) Mustard

(C) Millet

(D) Groundnut

Correct Answer : C
Explanation :

Kharif crops – The crops sown in June-July in the Indian subcontinent are called Kharif crops. These crops are harvested in October and November. These require high temperature and humidity at the time of sowing and dry environment at the time of ripening.

Main Kharif crops – Cotton, groundnut, paddy, millet, maize, sweet potato, urad, moong, moth cowpea (Chanwala), jowar, arhar, dhaincha, sugarcane, soybean, okra, sesame, guar, jute, flax etc.

Q :  

Write the name, which of the following is not a Kharif crop?

(A) Tide

(B) Paddy

(C) Maize

(D) Gram

Correct Answer : D
Explanation :

Kharif crops – The crops sown in June-July in the Indian subcontinent are called Kharif crops. These crops are harvested in October and November. These require high temperature and humidity at the time of sowing and dry environment at the time of ripening.

Main Kharif crops – Cotton, groundnut, paddy, millet, maize, sweet potato, urad, moong, moth cowpea (Chanwala), jowar, arhar, dhaincha, sugarcane, soybean, okra, sesame, guar, jute, flax etc.

Q :  

When is the Kharif crop harvested?

(A) March

(B) June

(C) November

(D) December

Correct Answer : C
Explanation :

Kharif crops – The crops sown in June-July in the Indian subcontinent are called Kharif crops. These crops are harvested in October and November. These require high temperature and humidity at the time of sowing and dry environment at the time of ripening.

Main Kharif crops – Cotton, groundnut, paddy, millet, maize, sweet potato, urad, moong, moth cowpea (Chanwala), jowar, arhar, dhaincha, sugarcane, soybean, okra, sesame, guar, jute, flax etc.

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