What is water soluble ashma called?
(A) Base
(B) Alkali
(C) Corrosion
(D) corrosion
Which of the following drugs is used to treat indigestion?
(A) Antacid
(B) Antibiotic
(C) Analgesic
(D) Antiseptic
The litmus dye is purple in color, which is removed?
(A) Red
(B) Lichen
(C) Cabbage Turmeric
(D) Petunia flower
What substance is formed by the action of chlorine gas on dry quenched lime?
(A) calcium chloride
(B) bleaching powder
(C) Hydrochloric acid
(D) Water
What type of indicator is turmeric, litmus paper etc.?
(A) synthesized
(B) Natural
(C) Natural and synthesized
(D) Others
Substances that have a sour taste and which makes a solution of blue litmus red are called?
(A) acid
(B) salts
(C) consumed
(D) Base
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