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Chemistry Questions and Answers for Competitive Exam

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Chemistry Questions and Answers

Q.15 The number of atoms present in 21.6 gram of silver (atomic weight = 108) is the same as the molecules in

(A) 1.8 gram of H2O

(B) 12 moles of KMnO4

(C) 0.6N H2SO4

(D) 4.6 gram of C2H5OH

Ans .  B

Q.16 The National Chemical Laboratory is situated in

(A) New Delhi

(B) Bangalore

(C) Pune

(D) Patna

Ans .  C

Q.17 Equal masses of oxygen, hydrogen, and methane are kept under identical conditions. The ratio of the volumes of gases will be

(A) 2 : 16 : 2

(B) 2 : 16 : 1

(C) 1 : 16 : 2

(D) 1 : 1 : 1

Ans .  C

Q.18 The mass number of an atom is equal to

(A) the number of protons

(B) the number of protons and electrons

(C) the number of nucleons

(D) the number of neutrons

Ans .  C

Q.19 The high reactivity of fluorine is due to

(A) its high electronegativity

(B) small size of fluorine atom

(C) availability of d-orbitals

(D) strong F - F bond

Ans .  A

Q.20 The iron ore magnetite consists of

(A) Fe2O3

(B) Fe3OH4

(C) FeCO3

(D) 3Fe2O3 .. 3H2O

Ans .  A

Q.21 The ionization energy of the hydrogen atom in the ground state is x KJ. The energy required for an electron to jump from 2nd orbit to 3rd orbit is

(A) 5x/36

(B) 5x

(C) 7.2 x

(D) x/6

Ans .  A

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