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Data Interpretation Question and Answer

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Data Interpretation Question and AnswerData Interpretation Question and Answer

Direction: The pie chart shows the breakup of expenditure of a software company for the year 2017. Study the diagram and answer the following questions.

Q :  

What is the total expenditure (in Rs. lakhs)?

(A) 1800

(B) 2000

(C) 2100

(D) 2250

Correct Answer : B

The following pie diagram gives the marks scored by a student in different subjects - English, Hindi, Mathematics, science and social science in an examination. Assuming that the total marks obtained for the examination are 540, answer the question

Q :  

The total marks scored in Hindi and Mathematics exceed total marks scored in English and Social science by

(A) 30

(B) 40

(C) 60

(D) 75

Correct Answer : B

The following pie diagram gives the marks scored by a student in different subjects - English, Hindi, Mathematics, science and social science in an examination. Assuming that the total marks obtained for the examination are 540, answer the question

Q :  

The subject in which the student scored 105 marks is

(A) Mathematics

(B) Science

(C) English

(D) Hindi

Correct Answer : D

The following pie diagram gives the marks scored by a student in different subjects - English, Hindi, Mathematics, science and social science in an examination. Assuming that the total marks obtained for the examination are 540, answer the question

Q :  

The marks scored in English, Science and Social science exceed the marks scored in Hindi and Mathematics by.

(A) 80

(B) 60

(C) 100

(D) 110

Correct Answer : B

Direction: The pie chart shows the breakup of expenditure of a software company for the year 2017. Study the diagram and answer the following questions.

Q :  

The second highest expenditure is for which item?

(A) Training

(B) Travel

(C) Taxes

(D) Human resources

Correct Answer : C

Directions: In the following questions, the Graph shows the demand and production of different companies. Study the graph and answer the questions.

Q :  

The demand of company B is what percentage of the production of company F?

(A) 80%

(B) 50%

(C) 60%

(D) 70%

Correct Answer : D

Directions: In the following questions, the Graph shows the demand and production of different companies. Study the graph and answer the questions.

Q :  

What is the difference between the average demand and the average production of the companies (in lakh tonnes)? [Approximately]

(A) 200

(B) 325

(C) 275

(D) 250

Correct Answer : D

Directions: In the following questions, the Graph shows the demand and production of different companies. Study the graph and answer the questions.

Q :  

The production of company A is approximately what percent of the demand of company C?

(A) 60%

(B) 55%

(C) 50%

(D) 65%

Correct Answer : B

Directions: In the following questions, the Graph shows the demand and production of different companies. Study the graph and answer the questions.

Q :  

What is the ratio of the companies having more demand than production to those having more production than demand?

(A) 3 : 2

(B) 2 : 1

(C) 2 : 3

(D) 1 : 2

Correct Answer : D

Directions: The marks obtained by 273 examinees are shown by the frequency polygon. Given that mean marks is 59.5. Study the frequency polygon and answer the given questions.

Q :  

The number of examinees getting more than average marks is

(A) 152

(B) 164

(C) 72

(D) 105

Correct Answer : A

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