17. What is sodium chloride?
(A) Table salt
(B) table Sugar
(C) Coffee
(D) Normal Salt
18 What is table sugar?
(A) Cane sugar (Sucrose)
(B) Glucose
(C) Fructose
(D) Sweets
19. What is the element present on lead pencils?
(A) Carbon (graphite)
(B) Iron
(C) copper
(D) Tustin
20. Which gas is found in soda water?
(A) Carbon dioxide
(B) Hydrogen
(C) Carbon-di-oxide
(D) Helium
21. What is the solvent of gold?
(A) Aqua Regia
(B) Polysulphide solution
(C) Platinum gold
(D) Liquid gold
22. Name the chemical assed to make tooth pastes white?
(A) Titanium dioxide
(B) Hydrogen
(C) Carbon-di-oxide
(D) Helium
23. Which chemical is the reason behind the brown colour of human faces?
(A) Bilirubin
(B) Sodium Nitrate
(C) Methane
(D) Athens
24. Which chemical is called Chile Salt peter?
(A) Sodium Nitrate
(B) Hydrogen
(C) Carbon-di-oxide
(D) Helium
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