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Profit and loss problems asked frequently in the competitive exams. But many students are puzzled how to solve profit and loss problems from which 12th passed students mostly face.
Every student wants solutions regarding solve their questions. So In this post, students who preparing for competitive exams, can get solutions to average problems for bank exams and improve your performance level and build your confidence.
There are many students who are confused to solve simplification questions in the competitive exams but if you have a right way to solve simplifications questions with solutions.
आमतौर पर, सभी प्रतियोगिता परीक्षाओं में विभिन्न तरह के गणित के सवाल पूछे जाते हैं, जिनमे से आयु संबंधित प्रश्न अवश्य पूछे जाते हैं। आयु संबंधित प्रश्न सामान्यत: अनुपात और गुणा पर आधारित होते हैं, इसलिए छात्रों को इन्हें हल करने से पहले तरीके समझना अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है।
Many students are puzzled about the number problems in their exams. Problems are part of our life but every problem has a solution.
Everyone wants to ask and reply by using tag questions in general communications because tag questions show your smartness.
Students searching matrix reasoning questions and answers for preparation of their competitive exams but they confused where they can find important matrix reasoning questions.
There is an important role of pattern completion questions non-verbal reasoning in competitive exams. So, every student wants to find that place where he can practice better for their exams because he wants to preparation without wasting his time.
Most of the students ignore Embedded Figure Test questions and answers. But embedded figure test non-verbal reasoning questions are very important for competitive exams.
Most of the students confused in finding analytical reasoning questions and answers - (Non-Verbal Reasoning) that where they can practice best.
Most of the students confused in finding inequality reasoning questions and answers that where they can practice best. They want to prepare important Inequality logical reasoning questions without wasting their time.
Data interpretation is an essential part of quantitative aptitude. In this data interpretation blog given all the topics like bar graph, line graph, pie chart, table chart.