Mental ability questions with answers in hindi For SSC and Bank exams

Blood Relation Questions
Q : If 5 – 5 =24 and 7 – 7 =48 then find the value of 10 – 10 =?
(A) 80
(B) 99
(C) 91
(D) 56
Correct Answer : B
In the following question, which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it?
(A) dfcec
(B) dfece
(C) cfede
(D) cdfed
Correct Answer : B
In the following question, select the missing number from the given series.
(A) 10
(B) 6
(C) 7
(D) 8
Correct Answer : B
Looking at one person, a woman said, "His brother's father is the only son of my grandfather." How is the woman related to that person?
(A) father's sister
(B) sister
(C) Daughter
(D) Mother
Correct Answer : B
A, is brother of B. C is mother of A. B is granddaughter of D. and F is the son of A. what is relation of F to D?
(A) grandson
(B) Nephew
(C) Uncle
(D) Great grandson
Correct Answer : D
Given set
10.5, 15.0, 21.5
(A) 62.2, 66.8, 73.3
(B) 81.3, 85.8, 92.0
(C) 32.5, 37.0, 43.5
(D) 54.4, 58.0, 62.4
Correct Answer : C
A, B and C are sisters, D is the brother of E and E is the daughter of B. How is A related to D?
(A) Aunt
(B) Sister
(C) Cousin
(D) Niece
Correct Answer : A
A is the uncle of B, who is the daughter of C and C is the daughter-in-law of P. How is A related to P?
(A) Son
(B) Son-in-law
(C) Brother
(D) None of these
Correct Answer : A
Sushant said "This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother. How is Sushant to the girl?
(A) Husband
(B) Father-in-law
(C) Father
(D) Grandfather
Correct Answer : B
In a code language, FRIEND is written as GQJDOC. How will PEACE be written in that language?
Correct Answer : C