CAT Practice Question and Answer
8Q: An order was placed for the supply of a carpet whose breadth was 6 m and length was 1.44 times the breadth. What be the cost of a carpet whose length and breadth are 40% more and 25% more respectively than the first carpet. Given that the ratio of carpet is Rs. 45 per sq. m ? 5001 05b5cc6e2e4d2b4197774ec48
5b5cc6e2e4d2b4197774ec48- 1Rs. 4082.40true
- 2Rs. 1024.21false
- 3Rs. 2810.6false
- 4Rs. 3214false
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Answer : 1. "Rs. 4082.40"
Explanation :
Answer: A) Rs. 4082.40 Explanation: Length of the first carpet = (1.44)(6) = 8.64 cm Area of the second carpet = 8.64(1 + 40/100) 6 (1 + 25/100) = 51.84(1.4)(5/4) sq m = (12.96)(7) sq m Cost of the second carpet = (45)(12.96 x 7) = 315 (13 - 0.04) = 4095 - 12.6 = Rs. 4082.40
Q: Find the wrong number from the following series ?7 18 40 106 183 282 403 4992 05b5cc736e4d2b4197774f846
5b5cc736e4d2b4197774f846- 118false
- 2183false
- 340true
- 4106false
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Answer : 3. "40"
Explanation :
Answer: C) 40 Explanation: The given series follows the rule,+(11x1), +(11x3), +(11x5), +(11x7), +(11x9),.... So starting from 7, 7 + 11 = 18, 18 + 33 = 51, 51 + 55 = 106, ...So wrong number is 40 which is to be 51.
Q: Second Ozone Hole was detected over 4989 05b5cc697e4d2b4197774c5aa
5b5cc697e4d2b4197774c5aa- 1Tibettrue
- 2Swedenfalse
- 3Northern hemisoherefalse
- 4Antarcticafalse
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Answer : 1. "Tibet"
Explanation :
Answer: A) Tibet Explanation: Second ozone hole was detected over Tibet in the year 2006. Ozone is a form of oxygen, acts as a high-altitude atmospheric screen against cancer-causing ultraviolet light. The main source of these halogens in the stratosphere is photodissociation of man made halocarbon refrigerants, solvents, propellants and CFC's.
Q: Find the missing number? 5 19 49 101 181 295 ? 4981 05b5cc6abe4d2b4197774cff2
5b5cc6abe4d2b4197774cff2- 1401false
- 2351false
- 3449true
- 4501false
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Answer : 3. "449"
Explanation :
Answer: C) 449 Explanation: Given number series is 5 19 49 101 181 295 ? Here the series follows pattern that 5 19 49 101 181 295 ? 14 30 52 80 114 (difference) 16 22 28 34 (difference) 6 6 6 (Common difference) Therefore, the missing number in the series is ? = 295 + 115 + 34 + 6 = 449.
Q: Reading of a barometer going down is an indication of 4978 05b5cc698e4d2b4197774c64d
5b5cc698e4d2b4197774c64d- 1Stormfalse
- 2Rainfalltrue
- 3Snowfalse
- 4Intense heatfalse
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Answer : 2. "Rainfall"
Explanation :
Answer: B) Rainfall Explanation: Barometer is instrument which is used to measure to pressure. A slow downfall of reading suggests a low pressure area is passing in a nearby region, it may rains. If the reading is going down very fast then its an indication of storm (within 5-6 hours).
Q: World Wide Web is being standard by 4968 15b5cc69de4d2b4197774c90e
5b5cc69de4d2b4197774c90e- 1W3Ctrue
- 2World Wide Web Standardfalse
- 3Worldwide corporationfalse
- 4World Wide Consortiumfalse
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Answer : 1. "W3C"
Explanation :
Answer: A) W3C Explanation: World Wide Web is being standard by W3C. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards. Led by Web inventor and Director Tim Berners-Lee and CEO Jeffrey Jaffe, W3C's mission is to lead the Web to its full potential.
Q: The Capacity of a Communication Channel is Measured in 4953 05b5cc6afe4d2b4197774d1c9
5b5cc6afe4d2b4197774d1c9- 1Band ratefalse
- 2Band widthtrue
- 3Data flowfalse
- 4Bit capacityfalse
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Answer : 2. "Band width"
Explanation :
Answer: B) Band width Explanation: The path that data takes from source to destination is called a Channel. A channel is a communication medium. A channel has a certain capacity for transmitting information. The "capacity" of a channel is the theoretical upper-limit to the bit rate over a given channel that will result in negligible errors. Channel capacity is often measured by its Bandwidth in Hz or its data rate in bits per second.
Q: The market price of an article was 40% more than its cost price. Rana was going to sell it at market price to a customer, but he showed Rana some defects in the article, due to which Rana gave him a discount of 28.57%. Next day he came again and showed Rana some more defects, hence he gave him another discount that was equal to 12.5% of the cost price. What was the approximate profit/loss to Rana ? 4951 05b5cc75ce4d2b4197774fc8e
5b5cc75ce4d2b4197774fc8e- 1Loss of 12.5%true
- 2Profit of 12.5%false
- 3Loss of 24.5%false
- 4Profit of 22.5%false
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Answer : 1. "Loss of 12.5%"
Explanation :
Answer: A) Loss of 12.5% Explanation: Let the cost price be Rs. 100Then, market price is Rs. 140Now, the first discount is of 28.57% Rs.140 =~ Rs. 40Hence, its selling price = 140 - 40 = Rs. 100Now since Rana is selling at cost price, any further discount will be equal to loss percentage. The next dicount of 12.5% will be the loss percentage to Rana.