Computer GK Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: What is used by a search engine to find information?
440 06494114a1a612ce001e31474
6494114a1a612ce001e31474- 1Web crawling or web spiderfalse
- 2Indexingfalse
- 3Searchingfalse
- 4all of thesetrue
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Answer : 4. "all of these"
Explanation :
Used by a search engine to find information.
1. Web crawling and web spiders
2. Indexing
3. Searching Q: What are the uses of Snap Assist in Windows 10?
497 06494106a4e0960e05475ff88
6494106a4e0960e05475ff88- 1To take a snapfalse
- 2To take screen shotfalse
- 3Running more than one window on one screentrue
- 4all of thesefalse
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Answer : 3. "Running more than one window on one screen"
Explanation :
Following are some of the uses of Snap Assist-
1. View two windows at once: Snap Assist allows you to keep two windows on the screen at the same time. It can help you perform tasks like comparing two documents, reviewing information on a web page, and taking notes while watching a video.
2. See a lot of information: Snap Assist can help you organize a lot of information on the screen. For example, you can snap one window to one half of the screen and another window to the other half. This lets you view information on two documents or web pages at the same time.
3. Organize windows: Snap Assist can help you organize your windows in a consistent way. For example, you can snap one window to always be on the left side of the screen and another window to always be on the right side of the screen. This allows you to keep your workspace more organized and organized.
Q: What is the full form of USB?
405 064940fd7cae316dfef72362c
64940fd7cae316dfef72362c- 1Universal sequence busfalse
- 2Union sequence busfalse
- 3Universal Serial Bustrue
- 4Universal Serial Bookfalse
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Answer : 3. "Universal Serial Bus"
Explanation :
1. The full form of USB is Universal Serial Bus.
2. USB is a wired device with the help of which you can connect any other device like mobile with laptop, mobile with computer etc.
3. Apart from this, you can also insert a memory card inside the laptop with its help because it is a port in which we can insert things like Pendrive, Card Reader, Data Cable etc.
Q: Which key is used in conjunction with another key to perform a specific task?
470 064940f1bc7d7c7e067178e0f
64940f1bc7d7c7e067178e0f- 1controltrue
- 2spacebarfalse
- 3Arrowfalse
- 4none of thesefalse
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Answer : 1. "control "
Explanation :
1. The Control key, also called the Ctrl key, is a modifier key found on most computer keyboards. It's usually located in the lower left part of the keyboard, next to the Caps Lock and Tab keys.
2. The Control key is used in combination with other keys to perform various keyboard shortcuts. For example, pressing Ctrl+C copies the selected text to the Clipboard, pressing Ctrl+V pastes text from the Clipboard, and pressing Ctrl+S saves the current document.
3. Various uses of control keys-
Ctrl+C: Copy
Ctrl+V: Paste
Ctrl+X: Cut
Ctrl+Z: Undo
Ctrl+Y: Redo
Ctrl+A: Select all
Ctrl+B: Bold
Ctrl+I: Italic
Ctrl+U: Underline
Ctrl+S: Save
Ctrl+O: Open
Ctrl+N: New
Ctrl+P: Print
Ctrl+F: Find
Ctrl+H: Replace
Pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc opens the Task Manager.
Pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete opens the Windows Security screen.
Q: What is the shortcut key to cut selected cells or range in MS Excel 2010?
459 064940a11c7d7c7e067177886
64940a11c7d7c7e067177886- 1Ctrl + Cfalse
- 2Ctrl + Xtrue
- 3Ctrl + Vfalse
- 4Ctrl + Afalse
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Answer : 2. "Ctrl + X"
Explanation :
1. To cut a cell or range in Excel: Ctrl + X can be used to cut a selected cell or range in MS Excel. This copies the data to the clipboard and clears the original cells or range.
2. To cut text: Ctrl + X can be used to cut selected text in any text editor or word processor. This copies the text to the clipboard and frees up the original space.
3. To cut an image or object: Ctrl + X can be used to cut a selected image or object in any graphics program. This copies the image or object to the clipboard and frees up the original space.
Q: There are two types of output devices:
473 06494092ecae316dfef7216d2
6494092ecae316dfef7216d2- 1keyboard and mousefalse
- 2Windows 2000 and Windows NTfalse
- 3Floppy disk and CDfalse
- 4Monitor and Printertrue
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Answer : 4. "Monitor and Printer"
Explanation :
An output device is a computer hardware device that displays or reproduces information processed by a computer in human-readable form. Output devices usually receive information from the computer through an input device, such as a mouse or keyboard.
Some examples of output devices include-
1. Monitor: A monitor is a visual output device that displays images generated by a computer.
2. Printer: A printer is a physical output device that prints computer-generated documents on paper.
3. Speaker: Speaker is an audio output device that reproduces the sound produced by the computer.
4. Headphone: A headphone is a personal audio output device that reproduces the sound generated by a computer solely for the user to hear.
5. Projector: A projector is similar to a monitor, but it projects images onto a larger screen.
6. GPS Device: A GPS device is an output device that displays its current location to the user on a map or other view.
7. Braille Reader: A Braille reader is an output device that displays computer-generated information in Braille for visually impaired people.
Q: The total number of function keys on the keyboard are:
495 0649403b1dad6f2e01f5abe12
649403b1dad6f2e01f5abe12- 110false
- 212true
- 314false
- 49false
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Answer : 2. "12"
Explanation :
1. There are a total of 12 function keys on the keyboard, labelled F1 to F12.
2. These keys usually perform a special function defined by the operating system or the currently running program.
- F1 key: It is used as a help key in almost every program. When this key is pressed a help screen opens.
- F2 key: In Microsoft Windows, renames a highlighted icon, file, or folder in all versions of Windows.
- F3 key: When on the Windows desktop, often opens a search feature for many programs, including Microsoft Windows.
- F4 key: Use to open or find a window in Windows 95 to XP.
- F5 key: In all modern Internet browsers, pressing F5 refreshes or reloads the page or document window.
- F6 key: Move the cursor to the address bar in Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and most other Internet browsers.
- F7 key: Commonly used to perform a grammar check in Microsoft programs, such as Microsoft Word, Outlook, etc.
- F8 key: It is used to enter the Windows Startup Menu.
- F9 key: Used to refresh the document in Microsoft Word.
- F10 key: In Microsoft Windows, activate the menu bar of an open application.
- F11 key: Used to enter and exit full-screen mode in all modern Internet browsers.
- F12 key: Use the Save As window in Microsoft Word.
Q: What is the shortcut key to create a new slide in MS PowerPoint 2010?
397 06494022213e8bde03234f588
6494022213e8bde03234f588- 1Ctrl + Mtrue
- 2Ctrl + Nfalse
- 3Ctrl + Sfalse
- 4Ctrl + Pfalse
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Answer : 1. "Ctrl + M"
Explanation :
1. F5 is used to start a presentation from the beginning.
2. We can see how your slideshow looks in full screen.
3. To start the slide show from the current slide, press Shift+F5.
4. The shortcut key to create a new slide in MS PowerPoint 2010 is Ctrl + M.