Which is the fastest printer?
1290 062ff8463a6d1894ab156d9aaLaser printers are generally known for their speed and efficiency, making them one of the fastest types of printers available for everyday office use. They use laser technology to print text and images, which allows for high-speed printing without compromising print quality. Laser printers are especially well-suited for printing large volumes of text documents quickly and are commonly used in office environments where fast and high-quality printing is required.
What is the scope of e commerce business platforms like Amazon, eBay, etc.?
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1195 063e6103cc386f46a0a732c80Which of the following is not a type of plotter?
1181 063e4d581dfb7d089e56f475cWhat is the full form of COD in E commerce?
1172 063e9f9743c221e1b4dc71a56