GATE Practice Question and Answer
8Q: Choose Odd one out of the options ? 8518 05b5cc745e4d2b4197774f9f4
5b5cc745e4d2b4197774f9f4- 1PSRQfalse
- 2SVUTfalse
- 3MNPOtrue
- 4KNMLfalse
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Answer : 3. "MNPO"
Explanation :
Answer: C) MNPO Explanation: PSRQ --> {16, 19, 18, 17} - next 3 alphabets of "P" is written in reverse orderSVUT --> {19, 22, 21, 20} - next 3 alphabets of "S" is written in reverse order MNPO --> {13, 14, 16, 15} KNML --> {11, 14, 13, 12} - next 3 alphabets of "K" is written in reverse order Except "MNPO", others are not in consecutive order.
Q: In a certain code 'Black' means Orange', 'Orange' means Violet','Violet' means 'Green', 'Green' means 'White' ,'White', means 'Yellow' and 'Yellow' means 'Sky blue', what is the colour of coal ? 8513 05b5cc6c5e4d2b4197774dd14
5b5cc6c5e4d2b4197774dd14- 1Orangetrue
- 2Sky Bluefalse
- 3Violetfalse
- 4Yellowfalse
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Answer : 1. "Orange"
Explanation :
Answer: A) Orange Explanation: The colour of coal is Black. In the code language ,black is called orange. So, the colour of coal is Orange.
Q: One word substitution: Commencement of words with the same letter. 8475 05b5cc69ce4d2b4197774c84b
5b5cc69ce4d2b4197774c84b- 1Alliterationtrue
- 2Oxymoronfalse
- 3Punfalse
- 4Transferred epithetfalse
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Answer : 1. "Alliteration"
Explanation :
Answer: A) Alliteration Explanation: Alliteration is the one-word substitute for Commencement of words with the same letter. Alliteration is a figure of speech which is identified as the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.
Q: There are two mixtures of honey and water in which the ratio of honey and water are as 1:3 and 3:1 respectively. Two litres are drawn from first mixture and 3 litres from second mixture, are mixed to form another mixture. What is the ratio of honey and water in it ? 8418 05b5cc6c5e4d2b4197774ddc8
5b5cc6c5e4d2b4197774ddc8- 1111:108false
- 211:9true
- 3103:72false
- 4Nonefalse
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Answer : 2. "11:9"
Explanation :
Answer: B) 11:9 Explanation: From the given data, The part of honey in the first mixture = 1/4 The part of honey in the second mixture = 3/4 Let the part of honey in the third mixture = x Then, 1/4 3/4 x (3/4)-x x-(1/4) Given from mixtures 1 & 2 the ratio of mixture taken out is 2 : 3 => 34-xx-14=23 => Solving we get the part of honey in the third mixture as 11/20 => the remaining part of the mixture is water = 9/20 Hence, the ratio of the mixture of honey and water in the third mixture is 11 : 9 .
Q: Artists are generally whimsical. Some of them are frustrated. Frustrated people are prone to be drug addicts. Based on these statements which of the following conclusions is true? 8381 05b5cc76ae4d2b4197774fe98
5b5cc76ae4d2b4197774fe98- 1All frustrated people are drug addictsfalse
- 2Frustrated people are whimsicalfalse
- 3All drug addicts are artistsfalse
- 4Some artists may be drug addictstrue
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Answer : 4. "Some artists may be drug addicts"
Explanation :
Answer: D) Some artists may be drug addicts Explanation:
Q: Who is the primary Author of HTML? 8343 05b5cc69ae4d2b4197774c791
5b5cc69ae4d2b4197774c791- 1Sabeer Bhatiyafalse
- 2Tim Berners-Leetrue
- 3Brendan Eichfalse
- 4Google Inc.false
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Answer : 2. "Tim Berners-Lee"
Explanation :
Answer: B) Tim Berners-Lee Explanation: The primary Author of HTML is Tim Berners-Lee, a scientist and academic, with the assistance of his colleagues at CERN, an international scientific organization based in Geneva, he did this. Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989 at CERN.
Q: Fossil : Extinction :: Puddle : ? 8338 05b5cc6a3e4d2b4197774cc05
5b5cc6a3e4d2b4197774cc05- 1Wetfalse
- 2Raintrue
- 3Lakefalse
- 4Dryfalse
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Answer : 2. "Rain"
Explanation :
Answer: B) Rain Explanation: Here the relation between a fossil and extinction is that a fossil remains after an extinction. That is fossils are evidence of an extinction. Similarly, puddle remains after it is rained. That is puddles are evidence of rain. Therefore, Fossil is to Extinction as Puddle is to Rain.
Q: Find the odd number in the following number series? 24, 4, 13, 41, 151, 640 8264 05b5cc6c1e4d2b4197774db73
5b5cc6c1e4d2b4197774db73- 14false
- 2640false
- 341true
- 413false
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Answer : 3. "41"
Explanation :
Answer: C) 41 Explanation: The given number series follows the pattern that, 24×0 + 4 = 4 4×1 + 9 = 13 13×2 + 16 = 42 42×3 + 25 = 151 151×4 + 36 = 640 Therefore, the odd number in the given series is 41