Model question papers Computer Awareness for Bank Exams

Model question papers Computer Awareness for Bank PO , IBPS , Bank Clerical Exams, SBI and all other exams Paper-4
Computer Awareness for Bank PO , IBPS , Bank Clerical Exams, SBI and all other Banking exams, RBI, SBI and other Banking Recruitment Examinations of 2013 and 2014.
11. In order to delete the selected sentence, we can press the following key
A. Del
B. Backspace
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Ctl
12. Personal computers can be connected together to form a
A. Enterprise
B. Supercomputer
C. Network
D. Server
13. When using characters in Windows, what code does Windows use?
14. The unit that performs the arithmetical and logical operations on the stored numbers is known as
A. Control Unit
B. Arithmetic Logic Unit
C. Memory Unit
D. Both (a) and (b)
15. Devices converts digital signals to Sine waves at the sending end and back to digital signals at the receiving end is called
A. Mobile phone
B. Telephone
C. Modem
D. None of these
16. The number of bits in a word is known as
A. word length
B. word count
C. buffer
D. bytes
17. Which is the part of a computer that one can touch and feel?
A. Programs
B. Software
C. Hardware
D. Output
18. A collection of related information sorted and dealt with as a unit is a
A. floppy
B. disk
C. data
D. file
19. The process of a computer receiving information from a server on the Internet is known as
A. pushing
B. pulling
C. transferring
D. downloading
20. The binary number 100110010 is equal to —– hexadecimal numbers
A. 17
B. 22
C. 37
D. 132
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