Model question papers Computer Awareness for Bank Exams

Model question papers Computer Awareness for Bank PO , IBPS , Bank Clerical Exams, SBI and all other exams Paper-4
Computer Awareness for Bank PO , IBPS , Bank Clerical Exams, SBI and all other Banking exams, RBI, SBI and other Banking Recruitment Examinations of 2013 and 2014.
21. The smallest unit of any computer system is —– which eight are combines to form a byte.
A. Binary
B. Octal
C. Gigabyte
D. Bit
22. To prepare a presentation/slide show which application is commonly used?
A. Outlook Express
B. Power point
C. Photoshop
D. Internet Explorer
23. What is the default file extension for all word documents?
24. Main memory is the working memory of the CPU with —- access.
A. slower
B. no
C. fastest
D. None of these
25. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition is example of
A. Musice device
B. Input device
C. Output device
D. None of these
26. Following is not the from of secondary storage
A. Disk
B. Hard disk
C. Magnetic tape
D. CD’s
27. An operation in which data is moved to a different location is referred as
A. Delete
B. Street move
C. Block move
D. None of these
28. A unit tor measuring data transmission speed that describes the capacity of a carrier is referred as
A. Bit
B. Batch
C. Bond
D. Baud
29. This is the part of the computer system that one can touch
A. data
B. software
C. hardware
D. None of these
30. A —– is an example of an input device.
A. Mouse
B. Central processing unit
C. Monitor
D. Keyboard
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