Computer System Overview Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams

Rajesh Bhatia4 years ago 43.7K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
Computer System Overview Questions

Computer System Overview Questions and Answers:

Q.51 The heart of any computer is the….


(B) Memory

(C) I/O Unit

(D) Disks

Ans .  A

Q.52 A Computer consists of……

(A) a central processing unit

(B) a memory

(C) input and output units

(D) all of these

Ans .  D

Q.53 Which of the following is not used as secondary storage?

(A) semiconductor memory

(B) magnetic disks

(C) magnetic drums

(D) magnetic tapes

Ans .  A

Q.54 Which of the following memory is capable of operating at electronics speed?

(A) semiconductor memory

(B) magnetic disks

(C) magnetic drums

(D) magnetic tapes

Ans .  A

Q.55 Which of the following is responsible for co-ordination various operations using timing signals?

(A) arithmetic logic unit

(B) control unit

(C) memory unit

(D) input/output unit

Ans .  B

Q.56 Memories in which any location can be reached in a fixed (and short) amount of time after specifying its address is called.

(A) sequential access memory

(B) random access memory

(C) secondary memory

(D) mass storage

Ans .  B

Q.57 Which of the following is the fastest?


(B) magnetic tapes and disks

(C) video terminal

(D) sensors, mechanical controllers

Ans .  A

Q.58 The register which contains the instruction that is to executed is called.

(A) index register

(B) instruction registers

(C) memory address register

(D) memory data register

Ans .  B

Q.59 The register which keeps track of the execution of a program and which contains memory address of the instruction currently being executed is called.

(A) index register

(B) memory address register

(C) program counter

(D) instruction registers

Ans .  C

Q.60 Register which holds the address of the location to or from which data are to be transferred is called.

(A) index register

(B) instruction registers

(C) memory address register

(D) memory data register

Ans .  C

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Rajesh Bhatia

A Writer, Teacher and GK Expert. I am an M.A. & M.Ed. in English Literature and Political Science. I am highly keen and passionate about reading Indian History. Also, I like to mentor students about how to prepare for a competitive examination. Share your concerns with me by comment box. Also, you can ask anything at

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