Critical Reasoning Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams

Vikram Singh5 years ago 30.9K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
Critical reasoning questions

Critical Reasoning Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams

Q.6. Ashok started from his home to the bus stop before 15 min. then the time. He takes 10 min. to reach to the bus stop. He reached bus stop at 8.40 hours. Generally at what time he stats for the bus stop?

(A) 8:40

(B) 8:35

(C) 8:45

(D) 8:55

Ans .  C

Direction : (7-12): Study the following information to answer the questions given below:

In a specific code; ‘her idea has merit’ is written as ‘fo la bu na; merit list has been displayed’ is written as ‘jo ke la si na’ & ‘her name displayed there’ is written as ‘ya si bu zo’, name is merit list’ is written as ‘na ya go ke’. 

Q.7. What is represented by ‘ke’?

(A) been

(B) has 

(C) merit

(D) name

(E) list

Ans .  E

Q.8. What is the code for ‘idea’?

(A) fo

(B) la

(C) bu

(D) na

(E) Either nu or na

Ans .  A

Q.9. Which of the following represents ‘name has been displayed’?

(A) ya la ke si

(B) jo si ya la

(C) si jo ke ne

(D) bu ya ke la

(E) ya si jo zo

Ans .  B

Q.10. What is denoted by ‘zo’?

(A) there

(B) displayed 

(C) name

(D) her

(E) Cannot be determined.

Ans .  A

Q.11. Which of the following represents ‘her name is there’?

(A) zo ya go wo

(B) bu ya zo go

(C) zo ya bu ke 

(D) ya zo wo bu

(E) wo go zo ya

Ans .  D

Q.12. What is the code for ‘in’?

(A) na

(B) ya

(C) go

(D) ke

(E) Cannot be determined.

Ans .  C

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Vikram Singh

Providing knowledgable questions of Reasoning and Aptitude for the competitive exams.

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