Critical Reasoning Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams

Critical Reasoning Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams
Q.19. Which of the following is correct ?
(A) P is to the immediate right of Q
(B) R is between U and V
(C) Q is to the immediate left of W
(D) U is between W and S
Ans . C
Q.20. What is the position of S ?
(A) Between U and V
(B) Second to the right of P
(C) To the immediate right of W
(D) Data inadequate.
Ans . C
Q.21. Girdharilal has his wife Radha, 3 sons & 2 daughters in his family. One daughter is still unmarried & the other daughter has a son. Two sons have 2-2 children. Third son has 3 children. An old aunt & a son-in-law also are living with them. What is the total no. of members in Girdharilal’s family?
(A) 20
(B) 19
(C) 18
(D) 17
Ans . A
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