General Knowledge MCQs with Answers

Which of the following medicinal herb is not identified as critically endangered?
(A) Safed Musli
(B) Gokhru
(C) Guggal
(D) Chirmi
Correct Answer : D
Explanation :
Chirmi or Gunja are the seeds of a creeper, which come in two colours, red and white. The color of half of its seeds is red or white and the other half is black. There is also a black-seeded Gunja which is extremely rare.
The term ‘Hot spot’ was given by
(A) Ernst Haeckel
(B) A. G. Tansley
(C) Walter G. Rosen
(D) Norman Myers
Correct Answer : D
Which of the following is known as ‘Birdman of India’?
(A) Salim Ali
(B) A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
(C) Homi Jehangir Bhabha
(D) C. V. Raman
Correct Answer : A
The number of molar teeth present in upper jaw of an adult man is
(A) two
(B) four
(C) Six
(D) eight
Correct Answer : C
The habitat of ‘Yakut’ tribe is
(A) New Zealand
(B) Congo Basin
(C) Amazon Basin
(D) North Siberia
Correct Answer : D
Explanation :
1. Habitat of the Yakut tribe in Northern Siberia.
2. The Yakuts, or Sakha, are a Turkic ethnic group that lives primarily in the Sakha Republic in the Russian Federation. Their habitat also extends to the Amur, Magadan, Sakhalin regions and the Taimyr and Evenk districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
3. Yakut language belongs to the Siberian branch of Turkic languages. The Russian word Yakut is derived from Evenk Yoko.
4. In some old histories the Yakuts call themselves Sakha or Urangai Sakha.
5. The Yakuts engage in animal husbandry, traditionally focusing on the raising of horses.
The old name of the river Ravi was
(A) Suvastu
(B) Kubha
(C) Parushni
(D) Dwashdwati
Correct Answer : C
In SI unit system, pascal is the unit of
(A) pressure
(B) work
(C) cnergy
(D) power
Correct Answer : A
An object is placed between two plane mirrors which are kept at 60° with each other. The number of images formed will be
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 7
Correct Answer : C
When an object is placed in front of a concave mirror at its center of curvature, the image formed will be
(A) real, inverted and smaller than object
(B) real, inverted and equal to the size of object
(C) virtual, erect and smaller than object
(D) virtual, erect and equal to the size of object
Correct Answer : B
The escape velocity for any object on the Earth is
(A) 12.1 km/hour
(B) 12.1 km/sec
(C) 11.2 km/hour
(D) 11.2 km/sec
Correct Answer : D