General Knowledge MCQs with Answers

The site of fertilization in human female is
(A) Vagina
(B) Uterus
(C) Fallopian tube
(D) Ovary
Correct Answer : C
Which of the following techniques is most suitable for the disposal of biomedical waste?
(A) Land fill
(B) Incineration
(C) Recycling
(D) Disposal in water
Correct Answer : B
Which of the following cell organelles has forming face and maturation face?
(A) Mitochondria
(B) Golgi body
(C) Lysosome
(D) Plastid
Correct Answer : B
Out of the following which comes under ‘product of science’?
(A) Scientific attitude
(B) Formulation of hypothesis
(C) Scientific laws
(D) Experimentation
Correct Answer : C
In which one of the following source mentioned the Sixteen Mahajanapadas in Ancient India is found?
(A) Anguttar Nikaya
(B) Divyavadana
(C) Rigveda
(D) Suttapitak
Correct Answer : A
Which of the following herb is not used as tonic?
(A) Brahmi
(B) Shankhaphuli
(C) Safed Musli
(D) Sadabahar
Correct Answer : D
Explanation :
The most important characteristic of evergreen plants is that they always remain green, no matter what the weather. They do not shed their leaves, but replace them with new leaves every year. Evergreen plants thrive well in cold or dry climates, where plants that lose their leaves in winter may die.
Method of heat transfer, by which heat emitted by the Sun reaches the Earth
(A) convection
(B) conduction
(C) radiation
(D) convection and conduction both
Correct Answer : C
Loudness of sound is determined by …………….. of sound.
(A) amplitude
(B) frequency
(C) pitch
(D) time period
Correct Answer : A
Fuse wire works on the basis of
(A) magnetic effect of current
(B) chemical effect of current
(C) thermal effect of current
(D) electromagnetic induction
Correct Answer : C
Sb is the symbol for the element
(A) antimony
(B) selenium
(C) strontium
(D) tin
Correct Answer : A