IBPS PO Admit Card 2019 - Download Hall Ticket!!

4 years ago 6.2K Views
IBPS PO Admit Cards

Hello Candidates,

The admit cards for the IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2019 are out. Here in this post, you can check all the useful information about the same. The detailed procedure to download the hall tickets has been described below-

Important Dates -

The IBPS PO Notification 2019 has been released and the Common Recruitment Process (CRP) has been started by the authorities in order to recruit candidates on 4336 vacancies for the post of Probationary Officer (PO)/ Management Trainees (MT) in various public sector banks of the country. We wish you all the best for your exam. You can understand IBPS PO 2019 Syllabus in detail for your better preparation of exams. 


Important Dates

Download Admit Card for Pre- Exam Training

September 2019

Conduct of Pre-Exam Training

23rd to 28th September 2019

Preliminary Admit Card Release

30th September 2019

Admit Cards Availability Till 19th October 2019

Preliminary Exam Date

12th, 13th, 19th & 20th October 2019

Preliminary Result Date

October/ November 2019

Mains Exam Date

30th November 2019

Mains Result Date

December 2019

Conduct of interview

January/ February 2020

Provisional Allotment

April 2020

IBPS PO CRP 2019 - Prelims Admit Card Released

The admit cards for the prelims have been released on the official website of IBPS. Here’s the process to download the admit card from the IBPS Website:

  • You have to first go to www.ibps.in.
  • After that, click on the link of CRP PO/MT on the left-hand side of the home page followed by the link CRP PO / MT VIII. However, once the admit cards are out there will be a link on the above of the homepage itself to download the same. (Click here to download your call letter for Online Examination for CRP PO / MT VIII). You can download it from that link also. 
  • Once you click on that link, the login page will open and you have to enter your Registration No / Roll No (received by SMS or e-mail) along with your password / Date of Birth. 
  • Your admit card will appear in front of you. 
  • You can print it directly from the option given on the above right-hand side of the page or you can download it also. 

The Pre-Exam training is going to be held from 23rd to 28th September 2019 whereas the prelims examination is going to commence from 13th October 2019. For any examination, it is very important that you should have the admit card along with you so that you are permitted to appear in the examination hall. Here, we have described the step-wise procedure of downloading the admit cards for the IBPS PO examination so that you can do it easily without much hassle.

IBPS PO Exam 2019- Admit Card

  • Once the admit card is with you, you need to check the details given in the same so that there is no problem with the details. Your exam slot and venue are also provided in the admit card itself. 
  • You have to paste the same photo that you have used during the registration in the admit card. There is space for your signature and left thumb impression as well. However, they have to be recorded during the examination, in front of the invigilator. 
  • You have to take this admit card along with a proof of your identity such as PAN Card / Aadhaar Card etc. to the examination hall. The original admit card and the copy of your ID proof will have to be submitted to the invigilator with your roll no and password and system no mentioned in those documents.

Bottom Line:

The process of downloading the call letters is the same for all the stages and you have to provide your login details every single time since your details remain the same throughout the exam process. Please keep in mind that the admit cards are very important to appear in the examination since without the admit cards you will not be permitted to appear in the examination. So, make sure that you have your hall ticket in place while going for the examination. 

I hope all of you have now understood the process of downloading IBPS PO Admit Cards 2019. In case of any doubt or query, do ask us in the comment section provided below. 

All the Best!!

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