Indian Polity General Knowledge Questions

The President can proclaim emergency on the written advice of the-
(A) Prime Minister
(B) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(C) Union Cabinet headed by the Prime Minister
(D) Chief Justice of India
Correct Answer : C
Who among the following can attend meetings of the Union Cabinet?
(A) Cabinet Ministers
(B) President
(C) Ministers of State
(D) Deputy Ministers
Correct Answer : A
Which of the following leads to termination of session of house?
(A) Prorogation
(B) Adjournment
(C) Adjournment sine die
(D) Dissolution
Correct Answer : A
Which of the following appointments is not made by the President of India?
(A) Chief Justice of India
(B) Chief of the Army
(C) Chief of the Air Force
(D) Speaker of the Lok Sabha
Correct Answer : D
Family planning programme of India is mainly controlled by which of the following ministry?
(A) Ministry of Health
(B) Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
(C) Ministry of Family Welfare
(D) Ministry of Social Welfare
Correct Answer : B
The political party that secured the highest seats in the general election to the Lok Sabha in 1977 was -
(A) Bharatiya Janata party
(B) Janata party
(C) Bharatiya Jana Sangh
(D) Bharatiya Lok Dal
Correct Answer : D
'Bhavani Mandir' by Aurobindo Ghosh was inspired by which of the following works?
(A) Ananda Math
(B) Devi Chaudhurani
(C) Vartman Ranniti
(D) Durgesh Nandini
Correct Answer : A
Which of the following not a feature of Representative Democracy?
(A) Representatives chosen through elections.
(B) Decision making in the hands of the representatives.
(C) Direct participation of people in decision making.
(D) Franchise rights to people.
Correct Answer : C
Explanation :
Which of the following is a characteristic of representative democracy.
(1) Election of representative by voting
(2) The process of decision making in the hands of representatives
(3) The public has the right to vote
In 1997, the Supreme Court in India formulated the Vishakha guidelines to protect women from sexual harassment_______.
(A) in vehicles
(B) at work places
(C) in marital relationship
(D) on streets
Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
In 1997, the Supreme Court of India enacted the Vishakha Directive to protect women from sexual harassment in workplaces.
What are the D.K. Basu guidelines which were laid down by the Supreme Court of India?
(A) guidelines related to prevention of sexual harassment at workplace.
(B) guidelines related to protection of children from hazardous employment.
(C) guidelines related to protection of women from domestic violence.
(D) guidelines related to the procedures to be followed by police for arrest, detention and interrogation.
Correct Answer : D
Explanation :
D.K. given by the Supreme Court of India. The Basu Instructions are instructions regarding procedures to be followed by the police during arrest, detention and interrogation.