Indian Polity General Knowledge Questions

Which Women leader represented India in Second Round Table Conference?
(A) Sarojini Naidu
(B) Aruna Asaf Ali
(C) Kamala Devi Chattopadhyaya
(D) Vijaya Laxmi Pandit
Correct Answer : A
What is true about Simon Commission recommendation?
(A) Abolition of Sati
(B) Abolition of legislature at Centre
(C) Abolition of Child marriage
(D) Abolition of Diarchy
Correct Answer : D
Which of the following was called by Mahatma Gandhi "A post - dated cheque"?
(A) Cripps Mission
(B) Simon Commission
(C) Young Husband
(D) Cabinet Mission Mission
Correct Answer : A
'Bhavani Mandir' by Aurobindo Ghosh was inspired by which of the following works?
(A) Ananda Math
(B) Devi Chaudhurani
(C) Vartman Ranniti
(D) Durgesh Nandini
Correct Answer : A
The Directive Principles of Policy specifically Article 39 (b) and (c) of the Constitution of India are referred to as the Charters of?
(A) Freedom of religion
(B) Social and Economic Justice
(C) Freedom to travel freely in India
(D) none of these
Correct Answer : B
Which of the following statement is not correct?
(A) Articles 19 and 22 deal with personal liberty.
(B) Articles 19 and 22 deal with personal liberty.
(C) Article 19 deals with freedom of assembly.
(D) All are correct.
Correct Answer : D
Which of the following is not a Panchayati Raj Institution?
(A) Gram Sabha
(B) Gram Panchayat
(C) Village Co-operative Society
(D) Panchayat Samiti
Correct Answer : C
Explanation :
1. The Ministry of Panchayati Raj is a branch of the Government of India that looks after the ongoing process of decentralization and local governance in the states.
2. The Panchayati Raj system is the system of local self-government in rural India. Just as self-governance of urban areas is carried out through municipalities and suburban municipalities, similarly self-governance of rural areas is carried out through Panchayati Raj institutions.
3. There are three levels of Panchayati Raj institutions.
(1) Village level: Gram Panchayat
(2) Block level: Panchayat Samiti
(3) District level: District Council
Which of the following constitution affects the “Emergency Provision” in the Indian Constitution?
(A) Constitution of Canada
(B) Constitution of Germany
(C) Constitution of Ireland
(D) Constitution of USA
Correct Answer : B
Under which constitutional amendment Article 272 of the Indian Constitution was removed?
(A) 65th Constitutional Amendment
(B) 77th Constitutional Amendment
(C) 80th Constitutional Amendment
(D) 87th Constitutional Amendment
Correct Answer : C
Geelong Tsongdu is the lower house of the Parliament of which country?
(A) Bhutan
(B) Myanmar
(C) Thailand
(D) Laos
Correct Answer : A