Percentage Questions and Answers of Aptitude for SSC and Bank Exam

Vikram Singh10 months ago 78.6K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
Percentage questions with answers

Percentage Problems with Solutions

Q.11 x% of y is y% of?

(A) X

(B) x/100

(C) 100x

(D) y/100

Ans .  A

To know more about Ratio and Proportion: ratio-and-proportion-objective-type-question-for-competitive-exam-part-c

Q.12 A student has to secure 40% marks to pass. He gets 178 marks and fails by 22 marks. The maximum marks are….

(A) 200

(B) 500

(C) 800

(D) 100

Ans .  B

Q.13 In an examination 1100 boys and 900 girls appeared. 50% of the boys and 40% of the girls passed the exam. The percentage of candidates failed is….

(A) 45

(B) 45.5

(C) 54.5

(D) 59.2

Ans .  C

Q.14 From a container having pure milk, 20% is replaced by water and the process is repeated thrice. At the end of the third operation, the mil is……

(A) 40% pure

(B) 50% pure

(C) 51.2% pure

(D) None of these

Ans .  C

Q.15 300 gm of sugar solution has 40% sugar in it. How much sugar should be added to make it 50% in the solution?

(A) 10 gm

(B) 40 gm

(C) 60 gm

(D) 30 gm

Ans .  C

Q.16 In an election between two candidates, a candidate who gets 40% of total votes is defeated by 15000 votes. The number of votes polled by the winning candidate is….

(A) 6000

(B) 10000

(C) 22500

(D) 45000

Ans .  D

Q.17 If the price of wheat be raised by 30%, find by how much percent a householder must reduce his consumption so as not number increase his expenditure?

(A) 30%

(B) 25%

(C) 23 1/13

(D) 13 1/23

Ans .  C

Q.18 At an exam in which full marks were 500, A got 10% of less than B, B got 25% more than C, C got 20% less than D. If A got 360, what % did D get?

(A) 80%

(B) 60%

(C) 75%

(D) 70 %

Ans .  A

Q.19 If x% of y is the same as 4/5 of 80, then the value of x, y is….

(A) 320

(B) 400

(C) 640

(D) None

Ans .  D

Q.20 45% of? + 30% of 90 = 30% of 210….

(A) 120

(B) 80

(C) 60

(D) 90

Ans .  B

If you have any query or want to ask anything regarding percentage questions and answers, you can ask me in the comment box. Visit on next page for more practice.

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    Vikram Singh

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