Rajasthan (RSMSSB) Gram Sevak (VDO) Exam Pattern and Syllabus

Nirmal Jangid3 years ago 2.0K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
Rajasthan (RSMSSB) Gram Sevak (VDO) Exam Pattern and Syllabus

Hello Candidates,

The Rajasthan Government recruits thousands of posts on Village Development Officer (VDO) every year, which is organized to fill the vacant posts of Rural Development and Panchayati State Department by the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministry Selection Board (RSMSSB).

If we talk about the recruitment of Rajasthan - After the Rajasthan LDC and REET Exam, Rajasthan Gram Sevak Recruitment is considered to be the first choice of millions of candidates.

Also, before applying for Rajasthan Gram Sevak Recruitment, candidates need to know the exam pattern & syllabus of the RSMSSB VDO Exam carefully.

However, there has been no special change in the pattern and syllabus of the VDO examination by RSMSSB, but some changes are made every year in the type of questions. Therefore, considering the increasing levels of the examination, there is a requirement to study by making perfect strategy.

If you are also want to prepare for the upcoming Rajasthan Village Development Officer Exam or doing, can get  RSMSSB VDO full pattern and syllabus in this blog -

Rajasthan Gram Sevak Exam Pattern

Rajasthan Village Development Officer Recruitment Exam is organized in two steps -

  1. Preliminary Exam
  2. Mains Exam

The prelims exam is of Qualifying Nature i.e. the marks received in it will not be added to the examination. After this, the main exam is organized, in which approximately 15 times the candidates are included.

  • The question paper will be 100 marks.
  • The paper duration shall be 2 hours.
  • The question paper will have 120 objects (MCQ) questions and will be given similar marks for all questions.
  • Negative marking will be done in the evaluation of the question paper, i.e. 1/3 points will be cut for each wrong answer.
  • It's compulsory to get at least 40% marks in the examination otherwise candidate will not be eligible for the appointment.

RSMSSB VDO Exam Syllabus

The syllabus of the Rajasthan VDO Exam is of the 10th standard. Candidates need to focus on the subject included in the paper after knowing the exam pattern. The following subject will be included in the Gram Sevak Prelims and Mains Exam Question Paper -

Prelims and Mains Exam Syllabus
S.No. Subject Topic
1. सामयिक विषय राज्य, राष्ट्रीय और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्तरों पर मुख्य सामयिक सरकारी विषय, घटनाएं और क्रीड़ा
2. भूगोल और प्राकृतिक संसाधन
  • विश्व की भौतिक विशिष्टतायें, महत्वपूर्ण स्थान, पर्वत और महासागर।
  • भारत की पारिस्थितिक और वन्य जीवन।
  • राजस्थान का प्राकृतिक भूगोल, राजस्थान की जलवायु, वनस्पतियां एवं मृदा क्षेत्र विस्तृत भौतिक खंड, जनसँख्या, बेरोजगारी, दरिद्रता, सूखा अकाल और मरुस्थलीकरण की समस्याएं।
  • राजस्थान के प्राकृतिक संसाधन: खान एवं खनिज वन, भूमि एवं जल, पशु संसाधन। वन्य जीव एवं संरक्षण।
3. भारत और राजस्थान के विशेष संदर्भ के साथ कृषि और आर्थिक विकास राजस्थान की खाद्य एवं वाणिज्य फसल, कृषि आधारित उद्योग, मुख्य सिंचाई एवं नदी घाटी परियोजनाएं, मरुस्थल एवं बंजर भूमि के विकास के लिए परियोजनाएं। वृहत उद्योग, जनजातियां और उनकी अर्थव्यवस्था।
4. इतिहास और संस्कृति

निम्नलिखित के विशिष्ट संदर्भ के साथ भारत और राजस्थान के मुख्य स्मारक तथा साहित्यिक कृति, इतिहास और संस्कृति :-

  • जनजातियां और उनकी अर्थव्यवस्था
  • बोलियां और साहित्य
  • संगीत, नृत्य और रंगशाला
  • धार्मिक आस्था, संप्रदाय, संत, कवि, योद्धा संत, “लोक देवता” और “लोक देवियाँ”
  • हस्तशिल्प
  • मेले और त्यौंहार, रूढ़ियाँ, वस्त्र और आभूषण, उनके लोक एवं जनजातीय पहलुओं के विशिष्ट संदर्भ सहित।
5. साधारण मानसिक योग्यता -
6. तर्कशक्ति और विश्लेषणात्मक योग्यता -
7. अंग्रेजी, गणित और हिंदी (दसवीं कक्षा स्तर की) -
8. राज्य, जिला, तहसील और पंचायत स्तर पर राजस्थान में प्रशासनिक ढाँचा -
9. कंप्यूटर का बुनियादी ज्ञान -

Important Links -

Event Link

Rajasthan VDO Mains Exam Syllabus & Pattern

Click Here

Rajasthan VDO Prelims Exam Syllabus & Pattern

Click Here

Official Website

Click Here


In this short blog, I have tried to explore the exam pattern and syllabus of the RSMSSB VDO Exam. After which your next step will have to create a study plan and start work on it. Generally, students should analyze weak points & strong their practice by solving the last few questions papers according to the latest exam pattern and syllabus. Regular practice helps in getting accuracy and high scores in the examination.

You can discuss your query in the comment box with us, we will be happy to remove your doubts.

All the best!!

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