A man can row $$7{1\over 2}km/h$$ in still water. If a river running at 1.5 km an hour, it takes him 50 minutes to row to a place and back, how far off is the place?
936 05f239310e3005114abcad6f1Directions: The bar graph shows the results of an annual examination in a secondary school in a certain year. Answer the following four questions based on this chart.
The class has the highest number of passed students, is
936 05e8afac97b82aa7479fc1df09 persons are seated around a round table. What is the probability that two particular persons sit together?
936 0620112d5fd5f0218b81d0413What value will come in place of question mark (?) in the questions given below?
663.48 + 22.51 - 292.63 = ? + 300.44
936 05ebbd344c1aae5429b3a1975If the simple interest on ₹ 1 for 1 month is 1 paisa, then the rate percent per annum will be
936 05f0d5f106d43556009477bdf