8, 14, 25, 46, 82 , ?
796 05fd1dcfa2cbd2c3f9a4342d75fd1dcfa2cbd2c3f9a4342d7Directions: The following questions are accompanied by three statements (A) or (I), (B) or (II), and (C) or (III). You have to determine which statement(s) is/are sufficient/necessary to answer the questions.
What is the inradius of a right-angled triangle?
A. The area of the triangle is known.
B. Any two sides of the triangle are known.
C. The perimeter of the triangle is known.
G is the centroid of a triangle ABC, and the median is AD, the ratio of AD and GA is
796 0600697e07a0c6e1017e03bb8If $$ {y\over {x-3}}={y+x\over 3}={x\over y}$$ then 3 : y : x equal to :
796 060112c68af82aa3010a1d557If u : v= 4 : 7 , v : w = 9 : 7 and u=72 then find the value of w.
796 0611627b87c2f633654de58d2A vessel contains some mixture of Water and Alcohol in the ratio 2 ∶ 1. 12 liters of mixture is removed and replaced with water and the final ratio becomes 4: 1. What is the amount of Alcohol in the initial Mixture?
795 064dcbef39b618cf631e9d8dcThe line graph shows the number of vacancies of accountants in a certain company. Study the diagram and answer the following questions.
In which year maximum vacancies produced?
795 05f5b0d2869ed13038c1a8a01The ratio of the sides of a triangle is 3: 4: a and the area of this triangle is 216 square cm. And the perimeter of this triangle is 72 cm. Then the value of a will be -
795 05f80177988aba328edadbd87