General Knowledge Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Under the Mahayana Buddhism
771 062681ee2e1e2a840c33a3cc1
62681ee2e1e2a840c33a3cc1- 1Buddha's presence was shown in sculpture by using certain signs.false
- 2Statues of Buddha were made.true
- 3Bodhisattvas were not accepted as they were yet to attain enlightenment.false
- 4Mathura and Taxila declined as centres of sculpture.false
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Answer : 2. "Statues of Buddha were made. "
Explanation :
Buddhism is an Indian religion based on a series of core teachings attributed to Gautam Buddha. It originated in ancient India as a Shramana tradition between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE, spreading to much of Asia.
Q: The habitat of ‘Yakut’ tribe is
842 06298a8fbe812232d065e7390
6298a8fbe812232d065e7390- 1New Zealandfalse
- 2Congo Basinfalse
- 3Amazon Basinfalse
- 4North Siberiatrue
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Answer : 4. "North Siberia"
Explanation :
1. Habitat of the Yakut tribe in Northern Siberia.
2. The Yakuts, or Sakha, are a Turkic ethnic group that lives primarily in the Sakha Republic in the Russian Federation. Their habitat also extends to the Amur, Magadan, Sakhalin regions and the Taimyr and Evenk districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
3. Yakut language belongs to the Siberian branch of Turkic languages. The Russian word Yakut is derived from Evenk Yoko.
4. In some old histories the Yakuts call themselves Sakha or Urangai Sakha.
5. The Yakuts engage in animal husbandry, traditionally focusing on the raising of horses.
Q: habitat of ‘Yakut’ tribe is
1010 062681e57f380c4441d09c322
62681e57f380c4441d09c322- 1New Zealandfalse
- 2Congo Basinfalse
- 3Amazon Basinfalse
- 4North Siberiatrue
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Answer : 4. "North Siberia"
Explanation :
1. Habitat of the Yakut tribe in Northern Siberia.
2. The Yakuts, or Sakha, are a Turkic ethnic group that lives primarily in the Sakha Republic in the Russian Federation. Their habitat also extends to the Amur, Magadan, Sakhalin regions and the Taimyr and Evenk districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
3. Yakut language belongs to the Siberian branch of Turkic languages. The Russian word Yakut is derived from Evenk Yoko.
4. In some old histories the Yakuts call themselves Sakha or Urangai Sakha.
5. The Yakuts engage in animal husbandry, traditionally focusing on the raising of horses.
Q: Which of the following Iron and Steel Plant was established with the technical collaboration of britain?
745 062681d0be1e2a840c33a386c
62681d0be1e2a840c33a386c- 1Bokaro Steel Plantfalse
- 2Durgapur Steel Planttrue
- 3Raurkela Steel Plantfalse
- 4Vijaynagar Steel Plantfalse
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Answer : 2. "Durgapur Steel Plant"
Explanation :
1. Hindustan Steel Limited, Durgapur
2. It was established in 1957 with the help of Britain.
3. It is located in Durgapur, Bengal.
Q: Which of the following State of India has banned chemical fertilizer for sustainable agriculture?
780 062681c6de1e2a840c33a3721
62681c6de1e2a840c33a3721- 1Sikkimtrue
- 2Arunachal Pradeshfalse
- 3Andhra Pradeshfalse
- 4Goafalse
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Answer : 1. "Sikkim"
Explanation :
1. Sikkim Which state of India has banned the use of chemical fertilizers for sustainable agriculture?
2. As a general philosophy, adopting sustainable agriculture means practicing agriculture without polluting the environment (soil, air, water), and without depleting any natural resources and destroying the ecosystem and biodiversity through your actions. Can produce adequate yield in a particular crop, without interruption.
Q: Which of the following energy resources is credited to trigger modern industrialization?
711 062681b06e1e2a840c33a32fb
62681b06e1e2a840c33a32fb- 1Hydel Powerfalse
- 2Atomic Energyfalse
- 3Coaltrue
- 4Non-conventional energyfalse
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Answer : 3. "Coal"
Explanation :
1. The credit for initiating modern industrialization goes to coal energy resources.
2. Coal is a solid organic substance which is used as fuel. Coal is very important as a major source of energy. 35% to 40% of the total energy used comes from coal. Other combustible and useful substances are also obtained from coal.
Q: Name of the city in the world known as ‘Big Apple’?
5775 05d94353c987fcf212b21e0e8
5d94353c987fcf212b21e0e8- 1New Yorktrue
- 2Swedenfalse
- 3Kanadafalse
- 4Yugandafalse
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Answer : 1. "New York"
Explanation :
New York City is known by many nicknames—such as “the City that Never Sleeps” or “Gotham”—but the most popular one is probably “the Big Apple.” How did this nickname come about? Although uses of the phrase are documented in the early 1900s, the term first became popular in the 1920s when John J.
Q: Tibia salt bone is found in?
661 063b6b6953d35cd0deea17d20
63b6b6953d35cd0deea17d20- 1armfalse
- 2mouthfalse
- 3legtrue
- 4Skullfalse
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Answer : 3. "leg"
Explanation :
The tibia and fibula are the two bones found in the human leg. The tibia, also known as the shinbone, is the larger and stronger of the two bones and is located on the inner side of the leg. The fibula is the smaller bone and runs parallel to the tibia on the outer side of the leg.