Jewellary : Gold : : Furniture : ?
993 05de893f90c76b7071ade1f0f5de893f90c76b7071ade1f0fIn the following question, select the related words/letters /numbers from the given alternatives.
Joly : Delight : : Gloomy : ?
Three of the following four number-pairs are alike in a certain way and one is different. Find the odd one out.
2122 05dd39231c2282c484e46586bIn each of the following questions select the one which is different from other three responses.
1140 05dc8fcaf513f8a7589a031cdDirection: In the following question, select the related letters from the given alternatives.
AG : IO :: EK : ?
1611 05dbab54d831d0c78ebd02322Direction: In the following question, select the related letters from the given alternatives.
ADE : FGJ :: KNO : ?
1610 05dbab5b212906e36beddec20