Arithmetic Questions Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: If 2 is added to each even digit and 1 is subtracted from each odd digit in the number 945217, then what will be the sum of number/numbers not repeated in the new number?
1349 264f578cad9188da39a0c6f54
64f578cad9188da39a0c6f54- 16false
- 28true
- 34false
- 45false
- 57false
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Answer : 2. "8"
Q: If 2 is added to each even digit and 1 is subtracted from each odd digit in the number 621754, then what will be the sum of number/numbers not repeated in the new number?
751 064ddcca480ef1e74b4f10ea6
64ddcca480ef1e74b4f10ea6- 15false
- 28true
- 36false
- 44false
- 510false
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Answer : 2. "8"
Q: Mohit and Sudesh bought pens and notebooks from the same shop. Mohit bought 3 pens and 6 notebooks by paying an amount of ₹180. Sudesh bought 5 pens and 2 notebooks by paying an amount of ₹116. How much did Mohit spend on buying notebooks?
1535 0646b35dff295c14cc8e7ef10
646b35dff295c14cc8e7ef10- 1₹84false
- 2₹138true
- 3₹122false
- 4₹115false
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Answer : 2. "₹138 "
Q: If 6 * 9 – 4 = 58 and 3 * 9 – 7 = 34, then in the expression A * 4 – 9 = 91, what is the value of 'A'?
1511 0601157e07fb81d03bf7eb97b
601157e07fb81d03bf7eb97b- 16.5false
- 217.5false
- 320.5true
- 430.5false
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Answer : 3. "20.5"
Q: Select the correct set of symbols which will fit in the given equation 5 0 3 5 = 20
1868 05d9854582064925065f21573
5d9854582064925065f21573- 1x , x , xfalse
- 2- , + , xtrue
- 3x , + , xfalse
- 4+ , - , xfalse
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Answer : 2. "- , + , x "
Q: which of the following meanings of the arithmetical signs will yield the value ' zero ' for the expression given below?
200x100 + 300 x 200 10÷2 + 40
4129 05d9abcd568fda74fcf58a779
5d9abcd568fda74fcf58a779200x100 + 300 x 200 10÷2 + 40
- 1+ means –, – means x, x means ÷, ÷ means +false
- 2+ means –, – means ÷, x means +, ÷ means ×true
- 3+ means ×, – means –, x means ÷, ÷ means +false
- 4None of thesefalse
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Answer : 2. "+ means –, – means ÷, x means +, ÷ means ×"
Q: If ‘+’ stands for division, ÷ stands for multiplication, multiplication stands for addition; then which one of the following equation is correct?
2982 05d8ca41a83050426e7ac25ba
5d8ca41a83050426e7ac25ba- 110÷5+4=6false
- 210-4+2=6false
- 310+2-5=6false
- 410+2×1=6true
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Answer : 4. "10+2×1=6"
Q: A man takes 6 km distance to go around the rectangular area. If the area of the rectangle is 2 sq. km. find the difference between length and breadth.
2915 05d92e1d29fdacf79284441c6
5d92e1d29fdacf79284441c6- 12 km.false
- 20.5 km.false
- 31 kmtrue
- 40.75false
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