Biology Questions Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Which of the following are the sweetest sugars?
1098 05ee215faef054905196ff7d9
5ee215faef054905196ff7d9- 1Fructosetrue
- 2Maltosefalse
- 3Sucrosefalse
- 4Glucosefalse
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Answer : 1. "Fructose "
Explanation :
Fructose is often regarded as the sweetest sugar among the options provided. It is a natural sugar found in fruits, honey, and some vegetables. Fructose is sweeter than glucose, sucrose (which is a combination of glucose and fructose), and maltose. Due to its high sweetness level, fructose is commonly used as a sweetener in various food products and beverages.
Q: The_______is at its largest in children, but with the onset of puberty, it eventually shrinks and gets replaced by fat.
625 06411b5303218fd8d14928dd3
6411b5303218fd8d14928dd3- 1Parathyroid glandfalse
- 2Thymustrue
- 3Hypothalamusfalse
- 4Pituitary glandfalse
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Answer : 2. "Thymus"
Explanation :
1. It is at its greatest in children.
2. With puberty, it eventually shrinks and is replaced by fat.
3. It produces and secretes thymosin, an essential hormone for T cell development and production.
4. Thymus gland is a small organ located under the breast bone in the upper chest.
5. It produces white blood cells, called lymphocytes, which protect the body from infection.
Q: Which of the following is a root ?
698 0626696b0e1e2a840c333c6c4
626696b0e1e2a840c333c6c4- 1Potatofalse
- 2Onionfalse
- 3Carrottrue
- 4gingerfalse
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Answer : 3. "Carrot "
Explanation :
Yams, beets, parsnips, turnips, rutabagas, carrots, yuca, kohlrabi, onions, garlic, celery root (or celeriac), horseradish, daikon, turmeric, jicama, Jerusalem artichokes, radishes, and ginger are all considered roots. Because root vegetables grow underground, they absorb a great amount of nutrients from the soil.
Q: The upper part of the respiratory tract is provided with small hair-like structures called ______.
575 06438fb531ce944a93ea183c3
6438fb531ce944a93ea183c3- 1bronchifalse
- 2ciliatrue
- 3villifalse
- 4alveolifalse
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Answer : 2. "cilia"
Explanation :
Hairlike structures called cilia line the mucous membrane and move the particles trapped in the mucus out of the nose. Inhaled air is moistened, warmed, and cleansed by the tissue that lines the nasal cavity.
Q: The size of the pupil of the eye is controlled by the ______.
711 064c396e0a4dbfb486bcf64f8
64c396e0a4dbfb486bcf64f8- 1blind spotfalse
- 2retinafalse
- 3corneafalse
- 4iristrue
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Answer : 4. "iris"
Explanation :
1. The iris controls the amount of light entering the eye.
2. Iris is the colored part of the eye, which provides pigment to the eyes.
3. It is attached to the ciliary muscle, which contracts and expands to accommodate the required amount of light.
Q: Deficiency of which of the following vitamins causes excessive bleeding from wounds?
712 064c3953ea4dbfb486bcf6178
64c3953ea4dbfb486bcf6178- 1Vitamin Dfalse
- 2Vitamin Efalse
- 3Vitamin Afalse
- 4Vitamin Ktrue
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Answer : 4. "Vitamin K"
Explanation :
1. Vitamin K deficiency causes excessive bleeding from wounds.
2. If there is deficiency of Vitamin K in your body then you can easily get injury marks on your body or skin.
Q: Which of the following options is correct regarding sexually transmitted disease (STD)?
Statement A: Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are infections transmitted from an infected person to an uninfected person through sexual contact.
Statement B: HIV, HPV and Hepatitis B virus is responsible for STD.
876 064c38fdb9e9013486a7a0b78
64c38fdb9e9013486a7a0b78Statement B: HIV, HPV and Hepatitis B virus is responsible for STD.
- 1Both Statements A and B incorrectfalse
- 2Only Statement B is correctfalse
- 3Both Statements A and B correcttrue
- 4Only Statement A is correctfalse
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Answer : 3. "Both Statements A and B correct"
Explanation :
This is a correct statement regarding sexually transmitted diseases (STD).
Statement A: Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are infections transmitted from an infected person to an uninfected person through sexual contact.
Statement B: HIV, HPV and Hepatitis B virus is responsible for STD.
Q: Sponges belong to phylum ______ of the animal kingdom.
559 064c2509e9e9013486a756bb1
64c2509e9e9013486a756bb1- 1Echinodermatafalse
- 2Poriferatrue
- 3Aschelminthesfalse
- 4Molluscafalse
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Answer : 2. "Porifera"
Explanation :
1. Sponge belongs to Porifera phylum of the animal kingdom.
2. These are primitive multicellular animals. The study of sponges is known as para zoology.
3. Sponges are mostly irregular in shape and have radial symmetry.
4. The body of a sponge has two layers-
- Epidermis: This is the outer layer that helps move water in and out.
- Mesohyl: This is the middle layer which contains the cells of the sponge.