Biology Questions Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Which of the following statements about bryophytes is not true?
585 064c22dd629beb3482a35656e
64c22dd629beb3482a35656e- 1They are called amphibians of the plant kingdom.false
- 2The presence of a special tissue is found in these for the flow offalse
- 3water and other substances from one part of the plant body to another. Their body is generally differentiated by taking the form of stem and leaf-like structures.true
- 4Moss (Funaria) and Marchantia are examples of bryophytes.false
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Answer : 3. "water and other substances from one part of the plant body to another. Their body is generally differentiated by taking the form of stem and leaf-like structures. "
Explanation :
All the given statements about bryophytes are true.
1. They are called amphibians of the plant kingdom.
2. The presence of a special tissue is found in these for the flow of
3. Moss (Funaria) and Marchantia are examples of bryophytes.
Q: Starch and sugar in our food are forms of _____.
587 064c22ce196ae1f4842ff082d
64c22ce196ae1f4842ff082d- 1Proteinsfalse
- 2fatsfalse
- 3vitaminsfalse
- 4carbohydratestrue
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Answer : 4. "carbohydrates"
Explanation :
1. Starch and sugar found in our food are forms of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are an important part of our diet. They provide energy to the body and are essential for other body functions.
2. Starch is a complex carbohydrate found in plants. It is found in wheat, rice, potatoes, and other grains. Starch is used to thicken food, make sugar, and make other foods.
Q: Which of the following fall under Phylum Cnidarian of the animal kingdom?
504 064c2210496ae1f4842fecb82
64c2210496ae1f4842fecb82- 1Sea urchinsfalse
- 2Earthwormsfalse
- 3Snailsfalse
- 4Coralstrue
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Answer : 4. "Corals"
Explanation :
1. Coral comes under the Cnidarian phylum of the animal kingdom.
2. Coral, also known as Coral and Mirajan, is a type of tiny sea creatures that live in groups numbering millions.
3. Coral, also known as Coral and Mirajan, is a type of tiny sea creature that lives in groups numbering millions.
Q: Who among the following developed the Cholera vaccine in 1885?
560 064c21aa1a919c8488e0cbe42
64c21aa1a919c8488e0cbe42- 1Edward Jennerfalse
- 2Jaime Ferrántrue
- 3Jonas Salkfalse
- 4Leon Calmettefalse
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Answer : 2. "Jaime Ferrán"
Explanation :
1. The credit for developing the cholera vaccine in 1885 goes to Spanish-French bacteriologist and hygienist Jaime Ferrán.
2. He tested a live attenuated bacterial vaccine during a cholera epidemic in Valencia.
3. Jaime Ferrán's vaccine successfully protected people from cholera and began to be used in vaccination programs around the world.
Q: Nyctalopia, more commonly known as Night Blindness, is caused by the deficiency of which nutrient?
482 064bfc7da2d3130f575545330
64bfc7da2d3130f575545330- 1Vitamin Cfalse
- 2Magnesiumfalse
- 3Potassiumfalse
- 4Vitamin Atrue
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Answer : 4. "Vitamin A"
Explanation :
1. Nyctalopia (night blindness) is caused by deficiency of Vitamin A.
2. Foods rich in Vitamin A are carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, lettuce, etc.
3. Vitamin A deficiency can cause damage to rod cells, which reduces the ability to see in low light.
Q: Which of the following is essential to form haemoglobin in blood?
475 064b5261788d5e4f52dd23643
64b5261788d5e4f52dd23643- 1Fatsfalse
- 2Irontrue
- 3Calciumfalse
- 4Proteinfalse
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Answer : 2. "Iron"
Explanation :
1. Iron is required for the formation of hemoglobin.
2. Hemoglobin is a part of red blood cells that carries oxygen and removes carbon dioxide (a waste product) from the body.
3. Iron is stored in the body mainly in hemoglobin.
Q: Which of the following can degrade detritus into simpler inorganic substances?
486 064b5267c36fc1bf576512523
64b5267c36fc1bf576512523- 1Algaefalse
- 2Phytoplanktonfalse
- 3Fungal enzymestrue
- 4Lichensfalse
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Answer : 3. "Fungal enzymes"
Explanation :
1. Fungal enzymes decompose simple inorganic substances.
2. Fungi are a type of microorganisms that decompose organic matter.
3. Enzymes break down organic matter into smaller molecules, which can then be used by the body of the fungus.
Q: Which group of animals are named because of their spiny skin and a peculiar water-driven tube system that they use for moving around?
498 064b527acefb5ba16688217c6
64b527acefb5ba16688217c6- 1Hemichordatafalse
- 2Aschelminthesfalse
- 3Echinodermatatrue
- 4Molluscafalse
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Answer : 3. "Echinodermata "
Explanation :
1. All the creatures of Echinodermata phylum are marine and have thorny bodies.
2. There is a mass flow system in their body.
3. A specific water-conveying canal system is found, which helps in their movement.