Computer language FORTRAN is useful in which field?
941 062ff6b11047feb079270c5d9FORTRAN (short for "Formula Translation") is a high-level programming language that is particularly well-suited for scientific and engineering applications. It was developed for numeric and scientific computing and is widely used in fields such as physics, engineering, mathematics, and other scientific disciplines. FORTRAN allows for efficient processing of mathematical and scientific computations, making it a popular choice for complex scientific simulations, mathematical modeling, and computational research.
What is the computer language COBOL useful for?
857 062ff6aa9a6d1894ab15654daCOBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) is a high-level programming language primarily used for business, finance, and administrative systems within companies and governments. It is particularly useful for handling large-scale, data-centric applications in areas such as accounting, payroll, inventory management, and other business-related tasks. COBOL is known for its readability and ease of use, making it suitable for professionals working on applications that require extensive data processing and business logic. Despite being an older language, COBOL continues to be used in many legacy systems, especially in industries where stability and reliability are paramount.
What is called the syntax analysis part in the machine language transformation of a high-level language?
845 063bfe8feb1afa963d16d8e8bParsing, in high-level language transformation, is the analysis of code syntax using formal grammar rules. It checks for errors and creates a parse tree representing the code's structure. This tree guides the generation of machine code or program execution, ensuring correct interpretation and execution of the source code.
Array is used for-
734 063ede73a7312b71d33e25e8dAn array is used to store values in memory. Arrays allow you to store multiple values of the same data type under a single variable name, making it easier to manage and manipulate data in programming. Arrays are commonly used in various programming languages for tasks such as storing collections of data, performing calculations on large sets of values, and iterating through elements to process them. Arrays are not used for deleting values in memory or for output; their primary purpose is to store and organize data.
Which of the following are Operators in C?
701 063e62c1aef10d51b16bfe124Operators are symbols that we use when performing operations on one or more operands. The primary types of operators in C are arithmetic, logical, relational, conditional, bitwise, and assignment.
What is the difference between do-while and while condition?
667 063e62b5c7407bd1b2d1dd823The key difference lies in when the loop condition is checked. In the while loop, the condition is checked before the first iteration, potentially resulting in zero iterations. In the do-while loop, the condition is checked after the first iteration, ensuring that the loop body is executed at least once.
Which of the following is not true for for-loop?
637 063e62af66149271af9b8c0faAmong the given statements about for loops, the one that is NOT true is that they are used to replace user input while loops. While for loops are typically used for iterations with a known count and are less likely to result in an infinite loop if used correctly, they do not specifically replace user input while loops.