How many cubes have no face coloured?
1420 05f589cba2025ff52f05289065f589cba2025ff52f0528906A cuboid whose length is 6 cm. width 4 cm. and height 1 cm. Is. Two faces measuring 4 cm. x 1 cm. It is painted black. Two faces measuring 6 cm. x 1 cm. is painted red and is 6 cm. x 4 cm. The two faces are painted green. This cuboid is divided by 1 cm. x1 cm. x1 cm. is cut into cubes, then if the faces containing black and green are removed, then how many cubes will remain -
1352 0619b8d6a925df30febe30861A cube coloured pink on all faces is cut into 27 small cubes of equal sizes. How many cubes are painted on one face only?
1209 05efc2962e824154f40283c29In a big cube, only two surface-colored total cubes are 24. Find out how many total small cubes are there in this big cube?
1198 06078f76f63b9781494e74464How many cubes are there which two adjacent sides are coloured with red or with black colour ?
1198 15f5898bf69ed13038c0d4a80Which of the following Dice can be created by folding the given figure?
How many cubes are there of which one side is coloured with Red and just opposite side of it coloured with black?
1179 05f589871c93f325a67697dd6How many cubes have two red opposite faces?
1156 05f573ed679cfd646ddd4d7cd