Given that: Profit = $$\left({Revenue-Expenditure\over Expenditure } \right)\ $$
639 060a4e0bef98a5977251a006960a4e0bef98a5977251a0069In the following diagram, three different products (in thousands) produced by a company in 5 years are given and after studying them carefully, answer the following questions.
Three products produced by a company in different years (in thousands)
What is the difference between the CD produced between the year 2007 and the year 2009?
639 05faa5dc15ebf3a64427b0eaaDirections : The expenses of a country for a particular year is given in Pie–Chart. Read the Pie– Chart and answer the questions.
The percent of less money spent on nonplan than that on defense is
633 063ac34ce612ead74ab54e318Table below shows the number of candidates appearing for the interview and the percentage of candidates found eligible for the post in various companies (A, B, C, D, E, F).
Study the Tables and give answer the following Questions.
How many qualified candidates are there in Company F?
633 05f1e75591b4d8003eeb07229Study the given pie-chart and answer the question that follows.
The pie-chart shows the percentage distribution of the number of different types of chocolates distributed by Akanksha to the residents of a children's home, as percentages of all the chocolates taken together, that were distributed by her to these residents.
The average number of chocolates of Dairy Milk, 5-Star and Snickers taken together is equal to the number of chocolates distributed of which of the given types?
632 0642814547ac9a186e4e0489fDirection: Read the following graph carefully and answer the following questions:
The following bar graph shows the quantity(in kg) of wheat, rice, pulses and salts sold by two companies P and Q in the month of January.
The quantity(in kg) of wheat, rice, pulses and salts sold by two companies P and Q together in the month of February is 12.5% more than the total quantities sold by two companies P and Q together in the month of January. Find the total quantities of all the four items sold in the month of February.
619 064ddf5b474cca4494978aed5Directions: Study the graph carefully and answer the following questions.
Find the respective ratio of the number of students in school D and school F.
617 062c3fa9495b7933e5332909f