Database Questions Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Which command is used to remove a table from the database in SQL?
672 063e9ee077312b71d33d794fb
63e9ee077312b71d33d794fb- 1DELETE TABLEfalse
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Answer : 2. "DROP TABLE "
Explanation :
In SQL, the DROP TABLE command is used to remove a table from the database. When you execute DROP TABLE, it deletes the table along with all its data, indexes, triggers, constraints, and permissions. It should be used with caution as it permanently removes the table and all associated objects from the database.
Q: While using a database management system, the first thing you have to do is ________.
507 063e9edbeaa2a114c95182ea5
63e9edbeaa2a114c95182ea5- 1Create a database filefalse
- 2Activate file editorfalse
- 3Load the software into your computertrue
- 4Keep a floppy disk in readinessfalse
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Answer : 3. "Load the software into your computer "
Explanation :
While using a database management system, the first thing you have to do is install the software on your computer. Loading the software involves the installation process, which includes copying the necessary files and configuring the system to run the database management software effectively. Once installed, you can then create databases, define data structures, and start working with the DBMS to manage your data.
Q: Which files are used during the operation of DBMS?
577 063e9ed787312b71d33d7943a
63e9ed787312b71d33d7943a- 1Query language and utilitiesfalse
- 2Data manipulation language and query languagefalse
- 3Data dictionary and transaction logtrue
- 4Data dictionary and query languagefalse
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Answer : 3. "Data dictionary and transaction log "
Explanation :
During DBMS operation, essential files include the data dictionary, containing metadata like table structures, and the transaction log, recording all database transactions. The data dictionary guides the DBMS in understanding database organization, while the transaction log ensures data integrity by recording modifications. Both files are crucial for effective database management, enabling accurate querying, data manipulation, and system recovery in case of failures, ensuring the system's reliability and consistency.
Q: In a _______, a parent record type can be associated with one or more "child" record types, but a child record type can have only one parent.
644 063e9ed089353301b5cd70ce7
63e9ed089353301b5cd70ce7- 1network databasefalse
- 2relational databasefalse
- 3distributed databasefalse
- 4hierarchical databasetrue
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Answer : 4. "hierarchical database"
Explanation :
In a hierarchical database model, a parent record type can be associated with one or more child record types, but a child record type can have only one parent. This hierarchical structure is represented as a tree-like schema, where each parent record can have multiple child records, but each child record has only one parent. This model is useful for representing data with hierarchical relationships, such as organizational structures or file systems.
Q: Which of the following memory device is similar to Cache Memory mainly in terms of speed?
681 064ba85752d3130f57543c2c2
64ba85752d3130f57543c2c2- 1Flash memorytrue
- 2D. RAM (DRAM)false
- 3S. RAMfalse
- 4E.E.P. ROM (EEPROM)false
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Answer : 1. "Flash memory"
Explanation :
1. Flash memory is a portable storage device that can store data for a short period of time.
2. Unlike traditional hard drives, flash memory is capable of retaining data even after the power is turned off.
3. A flash drive is a small, portable flash memory card that plugs into a computer's USB port and acts as a portable hard drive.
4. A flash drive is a portable data storage device. Flash drives contain multiple flash chips, which are large memory modules.
Q: What is the memory used by RAM to store frequently used information?
528 064ba5ca1c3da05b2213e6b05
64ba5ca1c3da05b2213e6b05- 1Main memoryfalse
- 2Cache memorytrue
- 3Registerfalse
- 4Romefalse
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Answer : 2. "Cache memory"
Explanation :
1. The memory which is used by RAM to store frequently used information is called cache memory.
2. Cache memory is much smaller than RAM, but it is much faster than RAM.
3. Recently used information is often stored in cache memory.
Q: What is the maximum number of characters in the file name?
558 064b92cd82dc867f593041aa1
64b92cd82dc867f593041aa1- 1256 characterstrue
- 2156 charactersfalse
- 3356 charactersfalse
- 41024 charactersfalse
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Answer : 1. "256 characters"
Explanation :
1. The maximum number of characters a cell can contain in a worksheet is 256.
2. A file is a container in a computer system that stores data, information, settings, or commands, used with a computer program.
3. In graphical user interfaces (GUI), such as Microsoft operating systems, files are represented as icons that are associated with the program that opens the file.
Q: U. S. B. The full form of is:
548 064a5413065d2524cbf0bee84
64a5413065d2524cbf0bee84- 1Universal Serial Bustrue
- 2Universal sequential busfalse
- 3Unique serial busfalse
- 4Unique sequential busfalse
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Answer : 1. "Universal Serial Bus"
Explanation :
1. The full form of USB is Universal Serial Bus.
2. USB is a wired device with the help of which you can connect any other device like mobile with laptop, mobile with computer etc.
3. Apart from this, you can also insert a memory card inside the laptop with its help because it is a port in which we can insert things like Pendrive, Card Reader, Data Cable etc.