II. y² – 7y - 60 = 0
345 064dcc36f80ef1e74b4ed459f64dcc36f80ef1e74b4ed459fIn the given question, two equations numbered l and II are given. Solve both the equations and mark the appropriate answer.
I. x2 + 31x + 240 = 0
II. 5y2+ 60y + 135 = 0
341 064f1e4a418913c5bfc72e4ccIn the given question, two equations numbered l and II are given. Solve both the equations and mark the appropriate answer.
I. x2+ 35x + 306 = 0
II. y2 + 41y + 408 = 0
340 064f1e1ba3be218b6cde4f0bcDirection: In the following questions two equations numbered I and II are given. You have to solve both the equations and find relation between x and y.
I. x2+ 14x + 48 = 0
II. y2+ 12y + 32 =0
332 064d9f8a7ebd5c374728a93d3In the given question, two equations numbered l and II are given. You have to solve both the equations and mark the appropriate answer.
I. 16x2– 32x + 15 = 0
II. 16y2– 48y + 35 = 0
326 064d9f93280ef1e74b4e61691