From the top of an upright pole 17.75 m high, the angle of elevation of the top of an upright tower was 60⁰. If the tower was 57.75 m tall, how far away (in m) from the foot of the pole was the foot of the tower?
1288 064ad3a308c254a4ceae7a678The angle of elevation of the top of a tower from the top of a building whose height is 680 m is 45° and the angle of elevation of the top of same tower from the foot of the same building is 60°. What is the height (in m) of the tower?
586 064b4f48636fc1bf576504f42As observed from the top of a light house, 120 √3 m above the sea level, the angle of depression of a ship sailing towards it changes from 30° to 60°. The distance travelled by the ship during the period of observation is:
544 064bfb52f2d3130f57553f034From the top of a hill 240 m high, the angles of depression of the top and bottom of a pole are 30° and 60°, respectively. The difference (in m) between the height of the pole and its distance from the hill is:
614 064c764d0b6a5e472e26dcbce