Microsoft Office Questions Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: By using which tab can you add page numbers in an MS-Word 2019 document?
732 163ac0ff5fb04114b2d3b656e
63ac0ff5fb04114b2d3b656e- 1editfalse
- 2formatfalse
- 3inserttrue
- 4Homefalse
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Answer : 3. "insert "
Explanation :
In Microsoft Word 2019, you can add page numbers to your document by using the "Insert" tab. The "Insert" tab contains various options, including the "Page Number" option, which allows you to insert page numbers at different locations in your document.
Q: Ink-jet printers or band printers are classified as –
727 064ba80c7c3da05b2213eee20
64ba80c7c3da05b2213eee20- 1Character Printerstrue
- 2Ink Printersfalse
- 3Line Printersfalse
- 4Off-Band Printersfalse
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Answer : 1. "Character Printers"
Explanation :
Ink-jet printers or band printers are classified based on the printing method.
Q: What is the use of Animation Pane in MS Power Point 2010?
712 064940486cae316dfef720209
64940486cae316dfef720209- 1You can check spelling and grammarfalse
- 2You can see a list of animation applied to the slidetrue
- 3You can print the slidesfalse
- 4none of thesefalse
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Answer : 2. "You can see a list of animation applied to the slide"
Explanation :
1. Using the Animation pane in MS PowerPoint 2010 you can see a list of animations applied to the slide.
2. The Animation Pane is a tool that displays a list of animated objects on your slide.
Q: _______ are animation-like effects that occur when you move from one slide to another during an MS PowerPoint 2010 slide show.
700 064a5431baa4c004ce31c99d3
64a5431baa4c004ce31c99d3- 1Control effectfalse
- 2Bar graphfalse
- 3Leide transitiontrue
- 4Slide backgroundfalse
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Answer : 3. "Leide transition"
Explanation :
1. Slide transitions are animation-like effects that occur when you move from one slide to another during an MSPowerPoint 2010 slide show.
2. Slide transitions apply whole-slide and can be used to make slide shows more vibrant and attractive.
Q: In Microsoft Excel, a single file or document is called?
693 063bff0cab90600403be5d14f
63bff0cab90600403be5d14f- 1workbooktrue
- 2worksheetfalse
- 3Sheetfalse
- 4None of thesefalse
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Answer : 1. "workbook"
Q: In which tab of MS Word 2010 Header and Footer option is available?
688 064ba81b9a2d4dcaf043d03b9
64ba81b9a2d4dcaf043d03b9- 1Insert Tabtrue
- 2View Tabfalse
- 3Page Layout Tabfalse
- 4Print Layout Tabfalse
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Answer : 1. "Insert Tab"
Explanation :
Header and Footer options are available in the Insert tab of MS Word 2010. On the Insert tab, the Header and Footer options are found in the Headers and Footer group.
Q: What is Microsoft Word?
662 063e60417dfb7d089e5739012
63e60417dfb7d089e5739012- 1Operating Systemfalse
- 2word processing programtrue
- 3Microsoft Windowsfalse
- 4None of the abovefalse
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Answer : 2. "word processing program"
Q: The extension of MS Excel's workbook or file is-
637 063ecce3faa2a114c951ee1ae
63ecce3faa2a114c951ee1ae- 1.DOCfalse
- 2.XLXfalse
- 3.XLCfalse
- 4.XLSXtrue
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