Microsoft Office Questions Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: M.S. Which data types cannot be changed by the user in Access 2010? Choose the most appropriate option.
637 064ba76fae2108a7239398507
64ba76fae2108a7239398507- 1Auto Textfalse
- 2Date/Timefalse
- 3Auto Numberfalse
- 4All of the Abovetrue
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Answer : 4. " All of the Above"
Explanation :
In MS Access 2010, data types cannot be entered or changed by the user.
- Auto Text
- Date/Time
- Auto Number
Q: In MS Access 2010, a user can either create a _______ view or a new table in a _______ view.
619 064941eeac7d7c7e06717d1d1
64941eeac7d7c7e06717d1d1- 1Design, Datasheettrue
- 2Formula, printfalse
- 3text, numberfalse
- 4bookmark, hyperlinkfalse
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Answer : 1. "Design, Datasheet"
Explanation :
1. In MS Access 2010, the user can create a new table in either Design View or Datasheet View.
2. Access 2010 is a database application design and deployment tool that you can use to keep track of important information. You can keep your data on your computer, or you can publish it to the Web - so that other people can access your database with a Web browser.
Q: Following are the elements of a chart in MS Excel 2010:
611 0649438a9ab3c5fffc2cd2d6e
649438a9ab3c5fffc2cd2d6e- 1Chart Title, Legend, Data Labelsfalse
- 2Data Points, Data Series, Gridlinestrue
- 3Value Axis, Category Axisfalse
- 4All of thesefalse
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Answer : 2. "Data Points, Data Series, Gridlines"
Explanation :
The elements of a chart in MS Excel 2010 include the following:-
1. Title: The title of the chart, which describes the topic or purpose of the chart.
2. Axis: Lines used to measure data on a chart.
3. Data Series: A group of data points on a chart.
4. Chart Area: The outer area of the chart, including the title, axes, and data series.
5. Legend: Labels used to identify data series on a chart.
6. Gridlines: Lines used to measure data on a chart.
7. Data Labels: Labels used to display the values of data points on a chart.
8. Data Table: A table used to display data from data series below the chart.
Q: M.S. Which chart cannot be created in Excel?
601 064ba3d90c3da05b2213df2f5
64ba3d90c3da05b2213df2f5- 17dtrue
- 2Piefalse
- 3Areafalse
- 4Stockfalse
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Answer : 1. "7d"
Explanation :
1. M.S. The following charts can be created in Excel.
- Column - Chart
- line chart
- Pie chart
- Donut chart
- Bar chart
- Area Chart
- XY (Scatter) chart
- Bubble chart
- Stock Chart
- Surface Chart
- Radar chart
- Combo chart
Q: What is the shortcut key to open File Explorer or File Manager?
577 06494296fc7d7c7e06717ec04
6494296fc7d7c7e06717ec04- 1Ctrl + Nfalse
- 2Ctrl + Otrue
- 3Ctrl + Efalse
- 4Ctrl + Ffalse
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Answer : 2. "Ctrl + O"
Explanation :
1. The shortcut key to open File Explorer or File Manager is Ctrl + O.
2. In Microsoft Excel and all other spreadsheet programs, pressing Ctrl+O brings up the Open window, allowing you to load an existing spreadsheet stored on your computer.
3. In Microsoft Word and other word processors, pressing Ctrl+O brings up the Open window, allowing you to load an existing document stored on your computer.
Q: Which things are used together to add duplicate slides in the presentation of PowerPoint?
568 064ba776ce2108a7239398525
64ba776ce2108a7239398525- 1Ctrl + Xfalse
- 2Ctrl + Nfalse
- 3Ctrl + Mtrue
- 4Ctrl + Zfalse
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Answer : 3. "Ctrl + M"
Explanation :
1. In MS PowerPoint, CTRL+M is a shortcut key used to insert a blank slide after the currently selected slide.
2. MS PowerPoint is a presentation program used to display data with the use of pictures, graphs, etc. in the form of slides.
3. It was created by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin.
Q: Which of the following is not a type of Cyber Threat?
560 064ba3f3c88d5e4f52de3063e
64ba3f3c88d5e4f52de3063e- 1Huntingtrue
- 2Fishingfalse
- 3Spyfalse
- 4Hackingfalse
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Answer : 1. "Hunting"
Explanation :
There are many types of cyber threats, including:
1. Spam Email: Spam email is a type of cyber threat which is done by sending unsolicited emails. Spam emails are often used to spread advertisements, scams, or viruses.
2. Hacking: Hacking is a type of cyber threat that involves gaining unauthorized access to a computer system or network. Hackers often use hacking to steal data, damage systems, or intercept transactions.
3. Phishing: Phishing is a type of cyber threat in which victims are tricked into providing their personal information, such as passwords or credit card numbers. Phishing attacks are often carried out via email, social media, or websites.
4. Viruses: Viruses are a type of malware that can infect a computer system and damage data, slow down the system, or even disable it. Viruses often spread through spam emails, infected files, or physical media.
5. Worm: A worm is a type of malware that can copy itself from a computer system and spread from one system to another. Worms often spread via email, infected files, or physical media.
6. Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks: DoS attacks are a type of cyber threat that is used to disable a website or service. DoS attacks are often carried out using large amounts of traffic or resources.
7. Load Ballast Attacks: Load ballast attacks are a type of DoS attack in which a large amount of data is sent to a website or service. Load ballast attacks are often carried out to disable a website or service.
8. Human-based attacks: Human-based attacks are a type of cyberattack that target people. Human-based attacks can include phishing, social engineering, and cyberpsychology.
9. Physical Attacks: Physical attacks are a type of cyberattack that targets the physical components of a computer system or network. Physical attacks could include data centre fires or power outages.
Q: When the Tab key is pressed, how many space characters are inserted?
546 064b930272dc867f593041ec1
64b930272dc867f593041ec1- 11false
- 22false
- 33false
- 44true
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Answer : 4. "4"
Explanation :
1. When the Tab key is pressed, 4 space characters are inserted.
2. The following are the tasks performed by the keyboard-
- With its help, alpha-numerical data is easily input into the computer.
- In the absence of a mouse, many of the tasks done by the mouse can be done.
- Through this, commands are given to the computer.
- By using the combination of buttons (shortcut keys) present in it, many operations can be performed, which saves a lot of time.
- Apart from this, tasks like playing games, controlling music etc. can be done.