in the above figure it consist 8 triangle so that no. of square is 3 so that total no. of triangle is 8 ✖ 3=24
and 4 triangle shown in question figure so that answer is 24+4=28
How many squares in the figure?
5396 05d2c22de2bb9b81db4a97d3dIn this figure counting the squares and we get the 27 squares.
How many triangle is in the given figure?
5387 05d2c273440a93b3eb992dc38How many triangles are in the figure?
4764 05d2c249140a93b3eb992dc2bThe triangle 6 shown in figure and another is ADB,ACB, BDC,ADC, so that total number of triangle is 10
How many triangles in the figure?
4763 05d2c378240a93b3eb992dd15in the figure the 8 triangle is shown easily and another is COD , DOB, BOA, AOC, ACD, BDC,ABC, ABD so that total no. of triangle is 8+8=16
How many triangles in the figure?
4719 05d2c39f32bb9b81db4a97db1How many triangle in the given figure?
Which option will replace the question mark in the following picture series?