I. Sum of the digits is 6.
II. Digit in the ten’s place is double the digit in the unit’s place.
The numerator of a fraction is 4 less than its denominator. If the numerator is decreased by 2 and the denominator is increased by 1, the denominator becomes eight times the numerator. Find the fraction?
833 05ee84a7279b5ea388bec13d6When the integer n is divided by 7, the remainder is 3. What is the remainder if 5n divided by 7?
831 0609e5387b9384d208ce449fcThe real number to be added to 13851 to get a number that is divisible by 87 is :
829 060114c74178b94051ceb1e3fThe zeros of the cubic polynomial $$ {2x^{3}-x^{2}-2x+1}$$ are a, b and c respectively. Find ab + bc + ca =?
829 06086665a1acafc129c1a38ecThe sum of three consecutive numbers is 87. The middle number is :
827 05ee84d50109b5d6e015df9caWhat value will come in place of question mark (?) in the questions given below?
663.48 + 22.51 - 292.63 = ? + 300.44
824 05ebbd344c1aae5429b3a1975The product of two numbers is 45 and their difference is 4. The sum of squares of the two numbers is
824 05ffeb2496cb86775ba236518