(49)15 – 1 is exactly divisible by:
407 0650829074e8cccb8db407f6196-11 when divided by 8 would leave a remainder of :
599 0650827ca00fe54b911b53052A number when divided by 899 gives a remainder 63. If the same number is divided by 29, the remainder will be
474 06508274200fe54b911b52bdfSolution: $${Remainder\over 29}={7\over 9}$$
=> remainder (शेषफल)=5
The cube of 997 is
417 065081e6800fe54b911b51948Direction: What value will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following question?
100, 108, 120, 136, 156, ?
453 064f70f2d6e0e55b91d9692ebIf all the vowels are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right and after that, all the consonants are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right of the word ‘ALONGWITH’, then which letter is fourth from the right end?
487 064d3464f90a003851dde838d