Seating Arrangement Questions Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.
Some algal blooms
P. beneficial to aquatic life, since these tiny
Q. nutrient conditions are optimal, and they can be
R. occur naturally when temperature, water, and
S. organisms form the base of the food chain
560 0644a99b2244f7ecdff5cdfa4
644a99b2244f7ecdff5cdfa4- 1RQPSfalse
- 2PRSQfalse
- 3QPRStrue
- 4RQSPfalse
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Answer : 3. "QPRS"
Q: Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.
P. undermining the strict application of comparative anthropology
Q. in the early 20th century it was almost universally assumed
R. that traditional cultures would be completely assimilated
S. into colonial cultures within a few decades, thus
481 0644a98caf35a0dce59e5a0a7
644a98caf35a0dce59e5a0a7- 1PQRSfalse
- 2PSQRfalse
- 3QPRSfalse
- 4QRSPtrue
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Answer : 4. "QRSP"
Q: Five persons, A, B, C, D, E, are sitting around a circular table facing towards the centre.
1) A is the neighbour of E and D.
2) B is second to the left of D.
Who is to the immediate right of B?
781 064494ab74f5953686feef230
64494ab74f5953686feef2301) A is the neighbour of E and D.
2) B is second to the left of D.
Who is to the immediate right of B?
- 1Afalse
- 2Ctrue
- 3Dfalse
- 4Efalse
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Answer : 2. "C"
Q: Five teachers, H, K, P, R and T, are sitting around a circular table facing towards the centre (not necessarily in the same order). T is between H and R. P is second to the right of R. H is to the immediate left of T.
Who is sitting to the immediate left of K?
772 0643e7b8a5e6b046f1b075fd5
643e7b8a5e6b046f1b075fd5- 1Tfalse
- 2Hfalse
- 3Pfalse
- 4Rtrue
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Answer : 4. "R"
Q: Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting around a circular table facing the centre (not necessarily in the same order). A sits third to the left of D. D sits to the immediate right of B. B sits second to the left of E. C sits second to the right of F. Who sits second to the right of A?
627 06439310ea16c2dfa9ce6b9f1
6439310ea16c2dfa9ce6b9f1- 1Cfalse
- 2Btrue
- 3Efalse
- 4Ffalse
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Answer : 2. "B"
Q: 6 persons A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting around a rectangular table, facing towards the centre (not necessarily in the same order). One person is sitting on each of the smaller sides. Two persons are sitting on each of the bigger sides. No person is sitting at the corners. C and F are sitting on the same side. B is sitting opposite to A. F is the immediate neighbour of B. A is sitting second to the left of D.
Counting towards the left of D, how many persons are sitting between A and D?
870 0642e9b66ed76c064b86c9b1f
642e9b66ed76c064b86c9b1f- 1Twofalse
- 2Threefalse
- 3Onetrue
- 4Zerofalse
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Answer : 3. "One"
Q: 6 persons A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting around a rectangular table (not necessarily in the same order) facing towards the centre. 4 persons are sitting at each corner, and one person is sitting at the middle of each shorter side of the table. B is an immediate neighbour of D and C. F is an immediate neighbour of A and D. E is an immediate neighbour of A and C. F is not sitting at any of the corners. Which of the following pairs represents the persons who are sitting exactly opposite to each other?
523 0642e893f7ac9a186e4ed941a
642e893f7ac9a186e4ed941a- 1CDfalse
- 2FCtrue
- 3ADfalse
- 4BEfalse
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Answer : 2. "FC "
Q: Six girls, Pooja, Qimat, Reeti, Shweta, Tejaswini and Vineeta, are sitting around a circular table. All of them are facing towards the centre of the table (but not necessarily in the same order). Tejaswini is the immediate neigh bour of Vineeta and Reeti. Pooja is to the immediate left of Vineeta. Qimat is fourth to the right of Pooja. Shweta is to the immediate left of Pooja. Who is sitting to the immediate left of Shweta?
918 06426b09b9d18d2e8ae1d8166
6426b09b9d18d2e8ae1d8166- 1Tejaswinifalse
- 2Poojafalse
- 3Qimattrue
- 4Reetifalse
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