Seating Arrangement Questions Practice Question and Answer
8 Q:Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a rectangular table in such a way that four persons sit on each of the four corner of the table and other four persons sit on the middle of each side. The one who sits at the corner of table faces outside the center of table and the one who sits at the middle side of table faces towards the center of table. Persons sitting on opposite sides are exactly opposite to each other.
F sits at one of the middle side of the table. Two persons sit between F and E. Only one person sits between F and C. E does not sit near to C. Either A sits 2nd to the left of H or 2nd right of H. One person sits between A and C. B and G sit opposite to each other. D sits 2nd to the left of B. G doesn’t sit next to F.
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence they form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?
973 0603ca474cd43d04a8f59f467
603ca474cd43d04a8f59f467Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a rectangular table in such a way that four persons sit on each of the four corner of the table and other four persons sit on the middle of each side. The one who sits at the corner of table faces outside the center of table and the one who sits at the middle side of table faces towards the center of table. Persons sitting on opposite sides are exactly opposite to each other.
F sits at one of the middle side of the table. Two persons sit between F and E. Only one person sits between F and C. E does not sit near to C. Either A sits 2nd to the left of H or 2nd right of H. One person sits between A and C. B and G sit opposite to each other. D sits 2nd to the left of B. G doesn’t sit next to F.
- 1Efalse
- 2Gfalse
- 3Dfalse
- 4Htrue
- 5Bfalse
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Answer : 4. "H"
Q: (i) K, L, M, N, O, P and Q are sitting around a circular table facing the center.
(ii) L sits between N and O.
(iii) K sits third to the left of O.
(iv) Q sits second to the left of M who is sitting to the immediate left of P.
In which of the following pairs, the first person sits to the immediate left of the other person?
1568 0602a513ed8322b1df1843223
602a513ed8322b1df1843223(ii) L sits between N and O.
(iii) K sits third to the left of O.
(iv) Q sits second to the left of M who is sitting to the immediate left of P.
In which of the following pairs, the first person sits to the immediate left of the other person?
- 1LNtrue
- 2MKfalse
- 3LOfalse
- 4QNfalse
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Answer : 1. "LN"
Q:Direction: Read the instructions carefully and give answer the following question.
Eight friends P,Q,R,S,T,V,W and Y are sitting around a square table in such a way that four of them sit at four corners of the square while four sit in the middle of each of the four sides. The ones who sit at the four corners faces the centre while those who sit in the middle of the sides face outside. S sits third to the right of P. P faces the centre. Y is not an immediate neighbour of P or S. T sits third to the right of R. R does not sit in the middle of any of the sides and also R is not an immediate neighbour of Y. Only one person sits between P and V. Q is not an immediate neighbour of V.
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?
659 05fdb11c08bd6a2764a4f0a5c
5fdb11c08bd6a2764a4f0a5c- 1Tfalse
- 2Wfalse
- 3Vtrue
- 4Sfalse
- 5Qfalse
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Answer : 3. "V"
Q:Direction: Read the instructions carefully and give answer the following question.
Eight friends P,Q,R,S,T,V,W and Y are sitting around a square table in such a way that four of them sit at four corners of the square while four sit in the middle of each of the four sides. The ones who sit at the four corners faces the centre while those who sit in the middle of the sides face outside. S sits third to the right of P. P faces the centre. Y is not an immediate neighbour of P or S. T sits third to the right of R. R does not sit in the middle of any of the sides and also R is not an immediate neighbour of Y. Only one person sits between P and V. Q is not an immediate neighbour of V.
What is the position of Q with respect to R?
751 05fdb113e2e6e2d68d77401fc
5fdb113e2e6e2d68d77401fc- 1Immediately to the leftfalse
- 2Second to the leftfalse
- 3Third to the leftfalse
- 4Third to the rightfalse
- 5Immediately to the righttrue
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Answer : 5. "Immediately to the right"
Q:Direction: Read the instructions carefully and give answer the following question.
Eight friends P,Q,R,S,T,V,W and Y are sitting around a square table in such a way that four of them sit at four corners of the square while four sit in the middle of each of the four sides. The ones who sit at the four corners faces the centre while those who sit in the middle of the sides face outside. S sits third to the right of P. P faces the centre. Y is not an immediate neighbour of P or S. T sits third to the right of R. R does not sit in the middle of any of the sides and also R is not an immediate neighbour of Y. Only one person sits between P and V. Q is not an immediate neighbour of V.
Who amongst the following sits fourth to the left of V?
1316 05fdb10f805d09a69928063e2
5fdb10f805d09a69928063e2- 1Ytrue
- 2Rfalse
- 3Tfalse
- 4Qfalse
- 5Wfalse
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Answer : 1. "Y "
Q:Direction: Read the instructions carefully and give answer the following question.
Eight friends P,Q,R,S,T,V,W and Y are sitting around a square table in such a way that four of them sit at four corners of the square while four sit in the middle of each of the four sides. The ones who sit at the four corners faces the centre while those who sit in the middle of the sides face outside. S sits third to the right of P. P faces the centre. Y is not an immediate neighbour of P or S. T sits third to the right of R. R does not sit in the middle of any of the sides and also R is not an immediate neighbour of Y. Only one person sits between P and V. Q is not an immediate neighbour of V.
Which of the following is true regarding Y?
868 05fdb0f2205d09a6992804f41
5fdb0f2205d09a6992804f41- 1T is not immediate neighbour of Yfalse
- 2Y sits in the middle of one of the sidesfalse
- 3R sits second to left of Ytrue
- 4P and V are immediate neighbours of Yfalse
- 5None is truefalse
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Answer : 3. "R sits second to left of Y "
Q:Direction: Read the instructions carefully and give answer the following question.
Eight friends P,Q,R,S,T,V,W and Y are sitting around a square table in such a way that four of them sit at four corners of the square while four sit in the middle of each of the four sides. The ones who sit at the four corners faces the centre while those who sit in the middle of the sides face outside. S sits third to the right of P. P faces the centre. Y is not an immediate neighbour of P or S. T sits third to the right of R. R does not sit in the middle of any of the sides and also R is not an immediate neighbour of Y. Only one person sits between P and V. Q is not an immediate neighbour of V.
If all the persons are made to sit in alphabetical order in clockwise direction, starting from P, the positions of how many (excluding P) will remain unchanged as compared to their original seating positions?
1103 05fdb0e7a05d09a6992804dcd
5fdb0e7a05d09a6992804dcd- 1Nonetrue
- 2Onefalse
- 3Twofalse
- 4Threefalse
- 5Fourfalse
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Answer : 1. "None "
Q:Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H sits around a circular table facing towards the center of the table. All of them go to eight different cities. Only one person sits between F and the one who go to Pune. Three persons sit between the one who go to Pune and the one who go to Mumbai. D sits third to the left of the one who go to Pune. The one who is from Chennai sits second to the right of D. Three persons sit between the one who go to Chennai and the one who go to Bengaluru. H sits second to the right of G. H go to Delhi. G sits third to the left of A. The one who go to Chandigarh sits third to the left of G. B sits immediate right of the person who go to Jaipur. C does not go to Mumbai and Kolkata. E does not go to Chandigarh
F go to which of the following city?
962 05fcdecd64c9207085cf202ab
5fcdecd64c9207085cf202abEight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H sits around a circular table facing towards the center of the table. All of them go to eight different cities. Only one person sits between F and the one who go to Pune. Three persons sit between the one who go to Pune and the one who go to Mumbai. D sits third to the left of the one who go to Pune. The one who is from Chennai sits second to the right of D. Three persons sit between the one who go to Chennai and the one who go to Bengaluru. H sits second to the right of G. H go to Delhi. G sits third to the left of A. The one who go to Chandigarh sits third to the left of G. B sits immediate right of the person who go to Jaipur. C does not go to Mumbai and Kolkata. E does not go to Chandigarh
- 1Mumbaifalse
- 2Jaipurtrue
- 3Bengalurufalse
- 4Chennaifalse
- 5Kolkatafalse
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