The simple interest on a certain sum at 15% per annum for 5 year is Rs1500 more to the simple interest on the same at 12% per annum for the same period. Find the sum-
678 062c6a3a451fe3472d68fbcb4A property fetches a net annual income of ₹1000 deducting all outgoings. The capitalized value of the property for the rate of interest 6% will be (in ₹) -
670 062ff7acffef7996822ddfa7cA certain sum of money lent out at simple interest amounts to Rs. 2400 in 4 years and Rs. 3000 in 6 years. Find the rate of interest per annum?
655 063d0c6d10d9e560db8e9f83cIn how much time will a sum of Rs. 12500 amounts to Rs. 20000 at the rate of 8 percent per annum at simple interest?
654 0644f9fed508d9a21f78e706dThe simple interest on a sum for 5 years is one fourth of the sum. The rate of interest per annum is
614 062fb5e9839a8157d97182f6f