I. Amit is a good fielder
II. All fielders have big hands.
1. All people with big hands are fielders.
2. Amit has big hands.
Direction: In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. These statements are followed by two conclusions.
Mark answer
A) If only conclusion I follows.
B) If only conclusion II follows.
C) If either conclusion I or II follows.
D) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
E) If both conclusions I and II follow.
Statements: X > P > Q > R, X = Y, X < Z
Conclusions: I. Y > R II. R > Z
Based on the statement(s) given below, choose the best possible conclusion(s) that follows.
Statements: In the case of an outstanding candidate, the condition of previous experience in HR may be waived by the admission committee for MBA (HR).
I. Some of the students for MBA (HR) will have previous experience in HR.
II. Some of the students for MBA (HR) will not have previous experience in HR.
Select the option that is true about the Statements and Conclusions given:
All papers are sheets
All sheets are books
I. All papers are books
II. All books are papers
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Statement: The Election Commission (EC), over the course of the 2014 general election, has reported a massive infusion of cash and gifts to buy votes and influence results.
(A) The EC seized over two billion rupees in unaccounted money from across the country.
(B) Political parties and leaders can win elections by excluding people’s social choices.
(C) These malpractices actively restrict wider participation and representation of interests, that create conditions to sustain governments with strong authoritarian tendencies.
(D) Electoral corruption is direct dispossession of the right to representation and governance.
Which of the following option can be an effect of the statement of the EC?
837 05e9daad10a165a45b759f64bIn the following question below are given some statements followed by some conclusions based on those statements. Taking the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusion logically follows the given statements.
No student is a teacher.
All students are children.
Some girls are students.
I. Some children are not teachers.
II. Some girls are not teachers.
III. No girl is a teacher.
Direction: In these questions the symbols $ , @ , £ , • and # are used with different meanings as given below :
' X $ Y ' means X is neither greater than nor smaller than Y '
' X @ Y ' means X is neither greater than nor equal to Y '
' X £ Y ' means X is neither smaller than nor equal to Y '
' X• Y ' means X is not smaller than Y '
' X # Y ' means X is not greater than Y '
( A ) If only conclusion I is true
( B ) If only conclusion II is true
( C ) If either conclusion I or II is true
(D ) If neither conclusion I nor II is true
( E ) If both conclusion I and II are true
Statements: S$ Q, Q@B, B• K, K # W
I. K# S
II. S@ W