Time and Distance Question Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: A man starts from his house with a speed of 60 km/hr towards a temple 45 km away from his house, but after every 10 minute he decrease his speed by 6 km/hr. Find the time required by him to reach the temple.
998 0608fb6858ab611629230d624
608fb6858ab611629230d624- 160 mintrue
- 258 minfalse
- 356 minfalse
- 454 minfalse
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Answer : 1. "60 min"
Q: You are driving from point A to point B at a speed of 45km/hr. Your friend is driving from point B to point A at a speed of 53 km/hr. If the distance between the two points is 1029 km and both of you started at the same time. how many hours will it be before you pass each other ?
835 060865dfa91a9f43a97be3d37
60865dfa91a9f43a97be3d37- 19.5false
- 210false
- 311false
- 410.5true
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Answer : 4. "10.5"
Q: A man crosses a diagonal of a square in 1.5 minutes with the speed of 4 k/h then the area of the square is -
768 06082d1775027727e2faba91d
6082d1775027727e2faba91d- 1$$3125 m^2$$false
- 2$$5000 m^2$$true
- 3$$4000 m^2$$false
- 4$$2250 m^2$$false
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Answer : 2. "$$5000 m^2$$"
Q: In a kilometer race, A can give B a start of 100 m or 15 seconds. How long does A take to complete the race?
949 06078ee55b52a047fdc45b628
6078ee55b52a047fdc45b628- 1135 secondstrue
- 2120 secondsfalse
- 3165 secondsfalse
- 4155 secondsfalse
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Answer : 1. "135 seconds "
Q: The distance between two points A and B is covered in $$ {5{1\over 2}\ hours}$$ at a speed of 50 km/hr. If the speed in increased by 5km/hr, how much time would be saved?
723 0607565b163b9781494dcbfa8
607565b163b9781494dcbfa8- 15 minutesfalse
- 215 minutesfalse
- 350 minutesfalse
- 430 minutestrue
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Answer : 4. "30 minutes"
Q: Travelling at 80km/hr, Praveen reaches his destination at a certain time. He covers 3/5th of his journey in 2/5th at the time. At what speed (in km/hr) should he travel to cover the remaining journey, so as to reach his destination on time?
798 0606d5f8adac3665e58a9c3f1
606d5f8adac3665e58a9c3f1- 1170/3false
- 2140/3false
- 3150/3false
- 4160/3true
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Answer : 4. "160/3 "
Q: Pranav rows upstream a distance of 56km in 8 hours and rows downstream a distance of 75 km in 3 hours. How much time he will take to row a distance of 44.8 km in still water?
981 0606d56f5affa2d5265b7f032
606d56f5affa2d5265b7f032- 12.8hrtrue
- 22.44hrfalse
- 32.2hrfalse
- 43.2hrfalse
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Answer : 1. "2.8hr "
Q: Vishnu travelled equal distances at speeds of 10 km/hr, 30 km/hr and 8 km/hr and took a total of 15.5 minute to complete. Find the total distance he travelled in km.
887 0606c2e76556643278a7658c6
606c2e76556643278a7658c6- 12false
- 23true
- 31false
- 44false
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